* (astrix) dose not work in li
Hi,We need to rename all incoming layers, to achieve this I had devised the next lisp:
(Command "rename" "La" "*" "(IMPORTED)*")
However I cannot get the astrix to select all the old layers.
Dose anyone know the solution to this??? It appears it doesn't work at the command line either (returns the prompt Invalid layer name). This may help you:
(defun AddPrefixToLayerNames( thePrefix / LayerEntry LayerAssocList )(setq LayerEntry (cdr (assoc 2 (tblnext "LAYER" 1))))(while LayerEntry (setq LayerAssocList (entget (tblobjname "LAYER" LayerEntry))) (if (/= LayerEntry "0")(progn (setq LayerAssocList (subst (cons '2 (strcat thePrefix LayerEntry)) (assoc 2 LayerAssocList) LayerAssocList)) (entmod LayerAssocList)) ) (setq LayerEntry (cdr (assoc 2 (tblnext "LAYER")))))(princ))
Use it:
(AddPrefixToLayerNames "MyPrefixString")
You will need a fairly complex routine to do what you're asking for.You will have to deal with locked layers, nested block entities layers, etc.Sorry -David Give this a try...
;;; Add Prefix and/or Suffix to all layers (excluding 0, Defpoints and XRef layers;;; #Prefix - Prefix string to append to layer names (nil for nothing);;; #Suffix - Suffix string to append to layer names (nil for nothing);;; Alan J. Thompson, 02.16.10(defun LayerPrefixSuffix (#Prefix #Suffix / #Prefix #Suffix) (or *AcadDoc* (setq *AcadDoc* (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))) (and (or (and (not #Prefix) (setq #Prefix "")) (snvalid #Prefix) (setq #Prefix "")) (or (and (not #Suffix) (setq #Suffix "")) (snvalid #Suffix) (setq #Suffix "")) (progn (vlax-for x (vla-get-layers *AcadDoc*) (or (wcmatch (strcase (vla-get-name x)) "*|*,0,DEFPOINTS") (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-put-name (list x (strcat #Prefix (vla-get-name x) #Suffix))) ) ;_ or ) ;_ vlax-for T ) ;_ progn ) ;_ and) ;_ defun
(LayerPrefixSuffix "Begin-" "-End")
It will allow you to add a prefix and/or a suffix. Works on locked layers and ignores the 0, Defpoints and XRef layers. OH yeah, don't forget (vl-load-com) if you don't have it loaded. Also, here's one I wrote to rename a layer...
;;; Rename layer;;; #OldName - Layer to rename;;; #NewName - New name for layer;;; Returns T if successful, nil if not;;; Alan J. Thompson, 10.07.09(defun AT:LayerRename (#OldName #NewName) (and (tblsearch "layer" #OldName) (not (tblsearch "layer" #NewName)) (snvalid #NewName) (or *AcadDoc* (setq *AcadDoc* (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) ) ;_ or (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-put-name (list (vla-item (vla-get-layers *AcadDoc*) #OldName) #NewName) ) ;_ vl-catch-all-apply ) ;_ vl-catch-all-error-p ) ;_ not ) ;_ and) ;_ defun lol fixed this successfully in another forum with the following code
(vlax-for layer (vla-get-Layers
(setq ln (vla-get-name layer))
(if (not (or (= ln "0") (= ln "Defpoints")))
(vla-put-name layer (strcat "(IMPORTED) " ln))
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Nobody seems to read the sticky...
Well, I suppose as long as you're happy.