MarcoW 发表于 2022-7-6 11:44:37

How to modify this table - ple

Hello everybody,
I am kind of new with tables and have some questions for those who have been there. Can somebody help me out?
My goal is to make a routine that extracts block data (._dataextraction) based on a previous extraction.
This is saved in a template, somewhere on the server of our company.
So with "one click" (or macro / command) I need a table to "appear".
This is not the problem for it is working.
Routine so far:

(defun c:ett (/ Location ScFactor TemplatePath) (setq TemplatePath (strcat "C:/test.dxe")ScFactor (getvar "dimscale")Location (getpoint "Where? ")) (vl-cmdf "-dataextraction" TemplatePath Location)(vl-cmdf "_.scale" "L" "" Location ScFactor) (princ))(prompt "\n\t\t>>>\t Type ett to start Extraction to Table \t

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 12:22:43

An example of putting a Field in a Table Cell:
To add rows to a Table Object, look into the vla-insertrows or the vla-insertrowsandinherit methods.

MarcoW 发表于 2022-7-6 12:28:56

Thank you Lee, I will look into that!
Edit: there is nothing in the Autolisp Reference and also none in the Help function in the Visual Lisp Editor...
All I can find is insertrows and insertrowsandinherit but that looks like VBA to me.
I tried Google and there are results so I need to look further I guess.

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 12:56:13

Yes, the help file is written for VBA, the arguments, their format and order are all applicable to Visual LISP, so that should be all the information that is necessary
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