ILoveMadoka 发表于 2022-7-6 11:45:03

Viewing Thumbnails - Customiza

I'm not sure where to ask this but here goes...
When viewing drawings in Windows Explorer, is it possible to have the thumbnail preview not be in color? With that white background and small size it's difficult (for me anyway) to make out specifics. If I could make everything black and white or grayscale it would much better.
Is this a changeable option somewhere?

Patrick Hughes 发表于 2022-7-6 11:53:38

This doesn't exactly give you the solution you're looking for (B/W, grayscale) but I've got a program called DwgGrid that has is a Windows Explorer type of browser that allows you to size the thumbnail for easier viewing.

ILoveMadoka 发表于 2022-7-6 12:00:50

Thanks, but I need to know if this this doable w/o having to purchase an external viewer.
Help Please!!

Patrick Hughes 发表于 2022-7-6 12:10:06

I would answer that with a yes, but I suppose it would also depend on what development tools you would use and how many hours you want to invest in it.
What tools do you have at you disposal?
Oh, and now that I think about it DwgGrid will display in a "print preview" mode the thumbnails in grayscale.

Patrick Hughes 发表于 2022-7-6 12:21:08

Ah, being in the customization area I mis-understood your request. Sorry. I don't believe there is an option in Windows to do that. What operating systm? (xp, Vista)

ILoveMadoka 发表于 2022-7-6 12:23:16

Whether I use your tool or develop my own we're still talking about a 3rd party app which is not how I want to approach this..
My question was for a vanilla standard fix. Click here, do this, uncheck that.
Even a registry edit is acceptable.

Patrick Hughes 发表于 2022-7-6 12:37:03

Yes, I understand that now. The problem is Windows just doesn't give users the flexibility to do everthing they would like to do. Only thing I could think of is to reduces the screen settings to grayscale while exploring - which I presume would not be acceptable any way, but the lowest setting I see on my computer is 256 color.
As far as sizing, perhaps there is a registry setting that controls the thumbnail size. I'll sniff around.

Patrick Hughes 发表于 2022-7-6 12:39:04

Well, here you go:
I've not tried it.

Tiger 发表于 2022-7-6 12:51:31

I'm just gonne be a pain and say name your drawings logically, if you name them by drawing number (which I have to do), keep a list of them with a description on your desk (or desktop) and just switch of thumbnails. They take too long to load anyway.
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