Question about languages (VBA/
Hi everybody,Tough questions!
Somewhere I read that AutoDesk will comletely switch over to VB.NET and that VBA and Lisp will (how to say..) expire...?
But I am shure that Lisp and common VBA will be supported for ages from now. They just scream a lot... On the other hand I believe that lisp is "what it is" and there is nothing new since it came out, like "Visual Lisp 2009 o:)"... wouldn't that be cool?
As an electrical engineer and a dedicated draftsman (?) I am playing a lot with lisp, but can't really get trough because my job asks too much. Therefore: playing. I would love to spend some more time but too bad, it's not gonna happen.
So I figured that it would be great if I could pick up some course, a study. Within 50km from here there is an Autodesk Authorized Training Center where these studies can be followed.
What I would want to do is "Lisp" because:
- I know it allready (can read and modify a big deal, but write from scratch...
- There is a big community of Lispers around, like CadTutor forum or the neighbours from the Swamp, not to forget the whole Afralisp and JP Sanders and... yes, very big community.
- I believe it is easier to learn than VB(A) for it is (as far as I know) specific "autocad". (I mean lisp is not meant to code in Word.)
There comes the "but":
They do not teach Lisp! Only VB.NET. It is said VB.NET is the same language as VBA but is a more flexible, safer and precise enviroment.
So I have this choise: keep on playing as I do or take the course in VB.NET (and sneaky play with lisp).
Because VB.NET is VB and therefore to be used with all kind of software like Word / Excel I think it is a good alternative.
The course is 4 days of 8 hours, so it will never cover it all but it look like it is a good start.
On the other hand, is there a community "as big as this one"? I never come across VB.NET Routines etc.
I am a bit stuck, I do not know where to look and get the info I need.
Maybe some VB.NET coders can give me some advice.
Any help is much appreciated! As you mentioned, the .NET choice offers a wider range of application and will likely be the base for Microsoft’s VBA replacement (VSTA).Even while we wait for VSTA, the .Net integration (via Visual Studio or similar) with AutoCAD is quite impressive; the functionality exposed to .Net is second only to C++ based ObjectARX.
Though I don’t think any of the language choices (VB, C#, F#, etc) are all that difficult to learn, getting the most out of the immense .NET framework and AutoCAD’s own “Mangaged ObjectARX” libraries does require a lot of practice.
There is somewhat limited .Net related posts on this forum (certainly by Lisp standards) but it does seem to be increasing.A search should reveal several .NET threads made in the recent past. There it goes another 0.02 cts...
If you have the chance and want to learn a powerful programming (.NET side) language go for C#. I'm of the same opinion, just don't have the time to devote to it... (also laziness..)
Some related threads:
Great Example:
Thanks, Lee.
I do, however, still have to figure out a good way to include direct distance entry for the parabola’s height before I consider that example complete.There are numerous intricacies to the managed ObjectARX remaining to be explored. A side comment.-
BTW, if you want to write something for MEP (in example), you must use .NET in order to access the API, you can try from the ATL COM side (via C++) and not all the properties and methods are exposed, so they force you to go the net route.
First time I see that... nice one Sean.
I have done that kind of stuff, but from the custom objects side, to bad I can't not post any source code of anything I write now, and those samples that I have posted in the past in another forum place, well I don't have access anymore nor have the source.... great... I understand your pain, especially as a fellow Electrical engineer and if you are using AutoCAD: Electrical that is a whole other ballpark. Although, to answer your question about the expiration I was just at Autodesk's University and they made it pretty clear that there is no plans for LISP to expire. The only reason VBA is expiring is because Microsoft is letting it expire and VBA(not VB) is their language. I just wanted to clear that up.
As for writing, I still am the most comfortable in LISP. I do not really like .NET because in an IT atmosphere they restrict so much of what you can do, plus to me it is not as easy to debug. I also find it very version specific.Although, I have a few piece of code that will have to be done in .NET, so ask me in a few months and perhaps I will have changed my mind.
You may be disappointed.
There is a .NET forum at which is fairly active. Hi,
There's no doubt about VBA is going away (there're been many Autodesk anouncements about this).
Today, there's none reason that LISP goes away (AutoLISP have nothing to do with Microsoft choices).
This doesn't mean the ActiveX/COM APIs is going away with VBA. COM Interop isn't the same as VBA, both Visual LISP an VBA use these API (.NET also can do it).
IMO, keep on LISPing even using vla* functions, quickly migrate your VBA application to Visual LISP or .NET...