LT Toolkit Re-Authorization Co
Hi,I'm using LT Toolkit by Drcauto (of Australia) and the software requires annual re-authorization code.
Now I was not able to use the software since it requires a new code.
However the company seems not in operation anymore. Their website is gone and I even tried calling or faxing them & it was unsuccessful.
Can anybody advise any alternative to keep the software running?
Or help at least get in-touch with them?
Thank you! Change your bios & windows time back a year? HP03,
Did you have any luck in re-authorizing? I am having the same problem.
Looks like you and a few thousand other users of their software have been left high and dry.That sucks. Is this a case of Autodesk forcing them to close them down, like they did with LT Extender?
Would not be out of the realm of possibility me thinks.When you play with the big boys expect to get pushed around (or out). if you keep a record of your previous authorization codes you may be able to reuse them.
for example my 2004 code for smart architect works for 2010.
good luck I guess that it is more because of the owner Gary D'Arcy died some few months ago - I remember his posts at the ObjectARX adesk newsgroup - way back on the 90's. The owner is not the company though. There had to have been a Board of Directors, etc. Companies around the world have lost their CEOs for one reason or another and have continued to survive.
LEsq: Graland, Texas?I've a brother-in-law that lives there.Moved from Plano a few years back.He lives in some community with a golf course as his backyard.
For what I know, he was the one doing the main coding but again I said 'guess'
The company I work for it is there, I stay normally a week every month in Richardson - very close to Garland and also to Plano BTW.
Don't know much about the area, but I like the FOOD there.