guitarguy1685 发表于 2022-7-6 11:58:11

what's the difference?

Ok, so what exactly is the difference between AutoLisp and Visual Lisp? is it the same thing?
And what about VB.NET?
I'm not sure where to focus my learning efforts.I'm currently lerning DCL and AutoLisp.Not sure if i'm wasting my time.

Pablo Ferral 发表于 2022-7-6 12:03:43

Lisp is a programming language that Autodesk chose to include with Autocad early on because it was good at 3D (One of it's orgional uses was for ballistics) and it was free.
AutoLisp is Autocad's own version of Lisp, written to work with Autocad.
Visual lisp really refers to the Visual Lisp editor. Type 'VLIDE' at the command line to use the editor. The Visual Lisp editor helpfully colour codes your Lisp routines (amongst other things) which is a great help when it comes to debugging.
Visual Lisp also refers to the ObjectARX (C++) extensions to the Autolisp API. Adding 'vl-load-com' at the begining of your AutoLisp program allows you to use object orientated programming techniques which can really add a lot of ompf to your programmes.
AutoLisp is uncompiled, so you can type it in a the command line and it evaluates immediatly. It's great for writing short macro's, but it can become unweildy for writing complicated programes and creating dialogs can be a real struggle.
VB,, C# and C++ are all complied programming languages. They load and run a lot faster, the code is a lot easier to manage and creating dialogs is a doddle. But they can take longer to debug.
If your interested in working more efficiently, or you are a CAD manager, spending time learning Auto/Visual Lisp will not be wasted, but if you are interested in some more serious programing I would recommend going straight for or
This is a good place to start:
as is AU online:

SEANT 发表于 2022-7-6 12:11:52

I don’t think leaning any programming language could be considered a waste of time.
If it is more a matter of the most efficient use of limited time, however, then other factors may come into play.AutoLisp/VisualLisp would likely get a programmer up and productive much more quickly.
Conversely, if a move away from AutoCAD (to Inventor or Revit, perhaps) was expected near term, then .NET would be the more versatile choice.

guitarguy1685 发表于 2022-7-6 12:13:26

thanks for the info guys

flowerrobot 发表于 2022-7-6 12:18:38

What is the difference in relation to autocad between C++ & C#

Danielm103 发表于 2022-7-6 12:22:07

C# / .NET were created with C++. Programming gods use C++

SEANT 发表于 2022-7-6 12:26:02

Yes, I’d say C++ is the “most” versatile choice.As it relates to AutoCAD, C++ offers unlimited access to everything Autodesk is willing to expose (though, I imagine .NET not too far behind in that regard).   Fastest code execution, and true “Custom Objects” are a couple of the benefits I’ve heard attributed to C++.
I also understand it to be the most complex to learn and compose code.Not an issue for a professional, necessarily, but may be a poor return on investment for the more casual programmer.
Daniel, familiar as you are with several Languages/APIs, what is your estimation of relative time to proficiency for the languages mentioned in this thread?

muthu123 发表于 2022-7-6 12:30:47

Better you learn dcl and Vlisp it will help lot when you start other languages.

Danielm103 发表于 2022-7-6 12:38:39

Ha! I'm hardly the one to ask, I'm still working on my 'learn C++ in 21 days' after two years
Actually when I first set out to learn programming, I found the learning curve of C++ a little too steep. Working through Visual lisp -> C# then C++ made things more manageable. This would be the progression I would recommended to padawan learners, although most would probably feel that C# does all they need. I made the jump to C++ because I wanted to target other CAD platforms such as Bricscad/Intellicad that don't yet have a .NET APIs. For the most part making the move to C++ from C# was relatively painless..
@guitarguy, drop the DCL and go with the VLisp - OpenDCL combo

flowerrobot 发表于 2022-7-6 12:42:25

Edited dude to drunken responce
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