(defun c:test (/ )
(setq entity (car (entsel "\nSelect a block: ")))
(if entity
(setq data (entget entity))
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 data)) "INSERT")
(setq block_ins (cdr (assoc 10 ent_data))
block_scx (cdr (assoc 41 ent_data))
block_rot (cdr (assoc 42 ent_data))
block_rot (cdr (assoc 50 ent_data))
(setq point1 (polar block_ins (+ block_rot (* 0.5 pi)) 150))
(command "_.insert" "w1" point1 block_scx block_scy block_rot)
block_rot (cdr (assoc 42 ent_data))
block_rot (cdr (assoc 50 ent_data))
Tnx的回复。 这不是最方便的发帖方式,但要求“内联”这对我来说很好。
; anyone that can help me?
; thank you
; I want to place a block 150mm beside an allready placed block.
; Same angle, same scale.
; But I want to reach the goal not by getting complete routine.
; So only the kick in my %$# is enough (I hope)
; Some parts I base on another routine, so not all of it is clear to me.
; I have marked them with a "?"...
(defun c:test (/ ); creating the function -> I must fill in the local variables when ready wrinting routine
; set some variables
(setqentity (car (entsel "\nSelect a block: ")) ; get the info from the block allready placed
data (entget entity) ; get "?" out of entity and put it in data
block_ins (cdr (assoc 10 data)) ; get the insertionpoint of the block allready placed
; why not block_ins (cdr (assoc 10 entity)) ?
; Because of the entget thingy...
; I'll go to the Alisp manual I have to explore that.
block_scx (cdr (assoc 41 data)) ; get the scale in x direction of the block allready placed
block_scy (cdr (assoc 42 data)) ; get the scale in y direction of the block allready placed
block_rot (cdr (assoc 50 data)) ; get the rotation of the block allready placed
; I believe I have to turn this in to degrees (?)
block_rot_dgr (/ (* block_rot 180.0) pi) ; Like this.
); end of the setq
; I have the info I need from the existing block.
; Now set the new insertion point, called pt1
(setq dist (Getdist "\nDistance?:"); Get distance by prompt
; this is where I mess things up:
; pt1 (polar block_ins (+ block_rot_dgr (* 0.5 pi)) dist); ==> does not work
; pt1 (polar block_ins (* 0.5 pi) dist); no good either...
pt1 (polar block_ins (* 1 pi) dist); no good either...
; AArrgghh - HOw to get that point ??
); end of the setq
(setvar "osmode" 0); just to turn off quickly for command function
(command "_.insert" "w1" pt1 block_scx block_scy block_rot_dgr)
); end of function
pt1 (polar block_ins (+ block_rot (* 0.5 pi)) dist)
... 就是这样。。。 这就是我想到的。
;;; Addblock.lsp by MarcoW on CadTutor
;;; Written 21-12-2009
;;; To place a block next to another with same rotation and scaling
;;; Any improvements or comments are more than welcome!
(defun c:addblock (/ newblock entity data
block_ins block_scx block_scy block_rot
block_rot_dgr dist pt1
pt2 oldosmode side
(setq newblock (cdr (assoc 2 (entget (car (entsel "\nSelect object to place (new block): " )))))
entity (car (entsel "\nSelect an allready placed block:"))
data (entget entity)
block_ins (cdr (assoc 10 data))
block_scx (cdr (assoc 41 data))
block_scy (cdr (assoc 42 data))
block_rot (cdr (assoc 50 data))
block_rot_dgr (/ (* block_rot 180.0) pi)
dist (getdist "\nDistance?: ")
pt1 (polar block_ins (+ block_rot (* 0.5 pi)) dist)
pt2 (polar block_ins (+ block_rot (* 1.5 pi)) dist)
oldosmode (getvar "osmode")
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(initget "L R")
side (getkword
"\nOn wich side do you want the new block? (L/R) <R>:"
((= side "L")
(command "_.insert" newblock pt2 block_scx block_scy block_rot_dgr)
) ;
(command "_.insert" newblock pt1 block_scx block_scy block_rot_dgr)
(setvar "osmode" oldosmode)
目前:问题已解决。 为什么不复制一下呢-大卫