I guess it willl be more complicated that just converting, since Polylines may have Z elevations different than 0... so I think the best option is just to add the "convert" to convert a Polyline to LWpolyline.
The weird thing is that this lisp works with a 3dpoly... (and aligns the objects to the 2d version of the segment selected) which is a Polyline type object... but doesn´t work with 2d polyline.. weird uuhh? hmph, learn something new everyday; i think i'll stick with lwpolylines. incredible....
what is your IQ? and your connection speed also?
Your answer was there before I post the problem explanation... lol, probably lower than my connection speed.
it was a minor fix.
Ok, Let just thank you again... and finish this post, I'll let Walter Boughan know about you...
here is a zip with the public routines I use in case you want to search on it... I don't think you'll find anything new... but we never know.
I cannot post it here, is 1 mb so... try to download it from here
http://www.mediafire.com/?x411ycyuvtq Ya come across something unique every day... CADTutor! lol, it's the place to be. no problemhappy to help.
thanks for the goodies, i'll give them a search.
Hey, Alan... I was wondering... actually I have been thinking about this for more than 2 months... ´cause it's not really necessary... but I think your lisp would be perfect again if it could allow us decide to re-rotate previously rotated objects 90, 180 or 270... and it's just because sometimes due to Polys or Lwpolys UCS angle doesn´t allow us to rotate our objects as desired and then we have to rotate them manually 90 or 270 degrees after using your lisp... how difficult would this be?...
maybe changing the prompt "Rotate/Flip Object(s) 180° "
for.... "1. Rotate 90°- 2. Rotate 180°- 3. Rotate 270°or "
and then allow us to pick 1,2 or 3 or just Enter to finish... could it be possible?