But the reactor would need some form of GrRead loop to track the mouse movements - which, combined with a reactor, may cause trouble I defer to your genius Lee... can you incorporate this?
(setq SpV (vlax-create-object "Sapi.SpVoice")) (vlax-invoke SpV "Speak" "Kaboom" 0) (vlax-release-object SpV) I'm no genius Larry
(defun c:ExOn () (vl-load-com) (if (not *prank) (setq *prank (vlr-command-reactor nil (list (cons :vlr-commandWillStart 'prank))))) (princ))(defun prank (Reac Args) (if (eq "EXPLODE" (strcase (car Args))) (progn (setq SpV (vlax-create-object "Sapi.SpVoice")) (vlax-invoke SpV "Speak" "Kaboom" 0) (vlax-release-object SpV))) (princ))(defun c:ExOff () (if (and *prank (vlr-added-p *prank)) (progn (vlr-remove *prank) (setq *prank nil))) (princ)) Ha! now it's truly pointless
Not really... reminded me how reactors work- Thx No probs - Its a fun program And what if the user selects the objects *before* it starts the Explode command? Lee
Since you once offered to explain your stuff...
how about this?
(defun c:ExOff () (if (and *exR (vlr-added-p *exR)) (progn (vlr-remove *exR)(setq *exR nil)))I've read Help about vlr-added-p, but how is *exR 'made' a VLR object representing the reactor? I use the variable *exR as a global variable (not localised in any function), and bound the reactor object to it, when the user invokes the top program (ExON).
OOPs!Forgot to change it from the last program!
**program updated above... nice spot Larry! Oh, OK... Thx