我有一个关于对话框单选按钮的问题。每个对话框是否限制一组单选按钮。我想选择两个项目,但我不想使用单选按钮和切换框。每当我尝试输入多组单选按钮时,就会出现错误。谢谢 不,你可以有多组单选按钮-只需将每组放在不同的“类别”(想不出正确的术语)。
samp4 : dialog { //*dialog name
label = "Existing Storm Sewers" ; //*give it a label
: row { //*define row
: column { //*define column
: boxed_radio_column { //*define radio column
label = "Choose a Type" ; //*give it a label
: radio_button { //*define radio_button
key = "T1"; //*give it a name
label = "Type 1"; //*give it a label
} //*end radio_button
: radio_button { //*define radio_button
key = "T2"; //*give it a name
label = "Type 2"; //*give it a label
} //*end radio_button
: radio_button { //*define radio_button
key = "T3"; //*give it a name
label = "Type 3"; //*give it a label
} //*end radio_button
: radio_button { //*define radio_button
key = "T4"; //*give it a name
label = "Type 4"; //*give it a label
} //*end radio_button
} //*end boxed_radio_column
} //*end column
: column { //*define column
: boxed_radio_column { //*define radio column
label = "Choose a Whatever" ; //*give it a label
: radio_button { //*define radio_button
key = "W1"; //*give it a name
label = "Whatever 1"; //*give it a label
} //*end radio_button
: radio_button { //*define radio_button
key = "W2"; //*give it a name
label = "Whatever 2"; //*give it a label
} //*end radio_button
: radio_button { //*define radio_button
key = "W3"; //*give it a name
label = "Whatever 3"; //*give it a label
} //*end radio_button
: radio_button { //*define radio_button
key = "W4"; //*give it a name
label = "Whatever 4"; //*give it a label
} //*end radio_button
} //*end boxed_radio_column
} //*end column
} //*end row
ok_cancel ; //*predifined OK/Cancel
: row { //*define row
: paragraph { //*define paragraph
: text_part { //*define text
label = "Designed by BD"; //*give it some text
} //*end text
: text_part { //*define more text
label = "for CCC NNRDO"; //*some more text
} //*end text
} //*end paragraph
} //*end row
} //*end dialog
(defun C:samp4 (/ hole) ;define function
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog "samp4.dcl")) ;load dialog
(not (new_dialog "samp4" dcl_id) ;test for dialog
(alert "Can not find your dcl file")
(exit) ;exit if no dialog
(set_tile "T1" "1") ;Set radio_button T1 as default
(set_tile "W1" "1") ;Set radio_button W1 as default
(setq hole "TB1") ;Set variable hole to TB1 as default
(setq Whatever "WB1") ;Set variable whatever to WB1 as default
(action_tile "T1" "(setq hole \"TB1\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "T2" "(setq hole \"TB2\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "T3" "(setq hole \"TB3\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "T4" "(setq hole \"TB4\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "W1" "(setq whatever \"WB1\")") ;*store whatever
(action_tile "W2" "(setq whatever \"WB2\")") ;*store whatever
(action_tile "W3" "(setq whatever \"WB3\")") ;*store whatever
(action_tile "W4" "(setq whatever \"WB4\")") ;*store whatever
(action_tile "cancel" ;if cancel button pressed
"(done_dialog)(setq userclick nil)" ;close dialog, set flag
(action_tile "accept" ;if O.K. pressed
"(done_dialog)(setq userclick T))" ;??? Is this standard code.
);action tile
(start_dialog) ;start dialog
(unload_dialog dcl_id) ;unload
(if userclick ;When OK button is selected
(cond ;And one of the following conditions apply
((= hole "TB1")(C:ESS1500)) ;If TB1 selected, Go to C:ESS1500
((= hole "TB2")(C:ESS1350)) ;If TB2 selected, Go to C:ESS1350
((= hole "TB3")(C:ESS1200)) ;If TB3 selected, Go to C:ESS1200
((= hole "TB4")(C:ESS1050)) ;If TB4 selected, Go to C:ESS1050
;(t (princ "\nNothing changed.")) ;_ end of optional else condition
) ;End cond
) ;End if
(princ) ;Exit quietly
) ;End defun
(princ "\nThis loaded fine")
;;;;;;;;;;Existing Storm_Sewer 1500mm;;;;;;;;;; Start
(defun C:ESS1500()
(setq a "CCC_DR_1500")
(if (= (tblsearch "ltype" a) nil)
(command "-linetype" "l" a "acadiso.lin" "")
(command "._-layer" "N" "CCC_SERVICES_EXISTING_Drainage_Storm_Sewer_1500"
"M" "CCC_SERVICES_EXISTING_Drainage_Storm_Sewer_1500"
"L" "CCC_DR_1500""CCC_SERVICES_EXISTING_Drainage_Storm_Sewer_1500"
"LW" "0.3" "CCC_SERVICES_EXISTING_Drainage_Storm_Sewer_1500" "" )
(command "pline" pause "width" "0.0" "0.0" pause "width" "0.0" "0.0")
;;;;;;;;;;Existing Storm_Sewer 1500mm;;;;;;;;;; End
;;;;;;;;;;Existing Storm_Sewer 1350mm;;;;;;;;;; Start
(defun C:ESS1350()
(setq a "CCC_DR_1350")
(if (= (tblsearch "ltype" a) nil)
(command "-linetype" "l" a "acadiso.lin" "")
(command "._-layer" "N""CCC_SERVICES_EXISTING_Drainage_Storm_Sewer_1350"
"C""84" "CCC_SERVICES_EXISTING_Drainage_Storm_Sewer_1350"
"LW" "0.3" "CCC_SERVICES_EXISTING_Drainage_Storm_Sewer_1350" "" )
(command "pline" pause "width" "0.0" "0.0" pause "width" "0.0" "0.0")
;;;;;;;;;;Existing Storm_Sewer 1350mm;;;;;;;;;; End
;;;;;;;;;;Existing Storm_Sewer 1200mm;;;;;;;;;; Start
(defun c:ESS1200()
(setq a "CCC_DR_1200")
(if (= (tblsearch "ltype" a) nil)
(command "-linetype" "l" a "acadiso.lin" "")
(command "._-layer" "N""CCC_SERVICES_EXISTING_Drainage_Storm_Sewer_1200"
"C""84" "CCC_SERVICES_EXISTING_Drainage_Storm_Sewer_1200"
"LW" "0.3" "CCC_SERVICES_EXISTING_Drainage_Storm_Sewer_1200" "" )
(command "pline" pause "width" "0.0" "0.0")
;;;;;;;;;;Existing Storm_Sewer 1200mm;;;;;;;;;; End
;;;;;;;;;;Existing Storm_Sewer 1050mm;;;;;;;;;; Start
(defun c:ESS1050()
(setq a "CCC_DR_1050")
(if (= (tblsearch "ltype" a) nil)
(command "-linetype" "l" a "acadiso.lin" "")
(command "._-layer" "N""CCC_SERVICES_EXISTING_Drainage_Storm_Sewer_1050"
"C""84" "CCC_SERVICES_EXISTING_Drainage_Storm_Sewer_1050"
"LW" "0.3" "CCC_SERVICES_EXISTING_Drainage_Storm_Sewer_1050" "" )
(command "pline" pause "width" "0.0" "0.0")
;;;;;;;;;;Existing Storm_Sewer 1050mm;;;;;;;;;; End
所有更改均为红色。 buzzard先生
: boxed_radio_column {
label = "Choose a Whatever" ;
key = "Group_radio_1")
: radio_button {
key = "W1";
(set_tile "Group_radio_1" 0)
(action_tile "ok" (setq hi (get_tile "Group_radio_1"))
((= hi 0)(setq hole "WB1"))
我学习的方式似乎适合我。 这是一个很好的理由