(setq a 1500)
(setq b "CCC_DR" + a)
(setq c "CCC_Services" + a)
谢谢 变量只能是一种类型,即字符串、整数、实数、列表等。
(setq b (strcat "CCC_DR" (itoa a)))
李 谢谢李,
太好了。 没问题,如果你被卡住了,就大喊一声 李,
(defun C:ESS02 () ;define function
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog "ESS.dcl")) ;load dialog
(setq d 1500)
;(setq b "CCC_SERVICES_EXISTING_Drainage_Storm_Sewer_1500")
(not (new_dialog "ESS" dcl_id) ;test for dialog
(alert "Can not find your dcl file")
(exit) ;exit if no dialog
(set_tile "1500" "1") ;Set radio_button T1 as default
(setq hole "S1") ;Set variable hole to S1 as default
(action_tile "1500" "(setq hole \"S1\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "1350" "(setq hole \"S2\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "1200" "(setq hole \"S3\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "1050" "(setq hole \"S4\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "900" "(setq hole \"S5\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "750" "(setq hole \"S6\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "675" "(setq hole \"S7\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "600" "(setq hole \"S8\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "525" "(setq hole \"S9\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "450" "(setq hole \"S10\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "375" "(setq hole \"S11\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "300" "(setq hole \"S12\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "225" "(setq hole \"S13\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "150" "(setq hole \"S14\")") ;*store hole type
(action_tile "cancel" ;if cancel button pressed
"(done_dialog)(setq userclick nil)" ;close dialog, set flag
(action_tile "accept" ;if O.K. pressed
"(done_dialog)(setq userclick T))"
);action tile
(start_dialog) ;start dialog
(unload_dialog dcl_id) ;unload
(if userclick ;When OK button is selected
(cond ;And one of the following conditions apply
((= hole "S1")(setq d 1500)) ;If S1 selected, d = 1500
((= hole "S2")(setq d 1350)) ;If S2 selected, d = 1350
((= hole "S3")(setq d 1200)) ;If S3 selected, d = 1200
((= hole "S4")(setq d 1050)) ;If S4 selected, d = 1050
((= hole "S5")(setq d 900)) ;If S4 selected, d = 900
((= hole "S6")(setq d 750)) ;If S4 selected, d = 750
((= hole "S7")(setq d 675)) ;If S4 selected, d = 675
((= hole "S8")(setq d 600)) ;If S4 selected, d = 600
((= hole "S9")(setq d 525)) ;If S4 selected, d = 525
((= hole "S10")(setq d 450)) ;If S4 selected, d = 450
((= hole "S11")(setq d 375)) ;If S4 selected, d = 375
((= hole "S12")(setq d 300)) ;If S4 selected, d = 300
((= hole "S13")(setq d 225)) ;If S4 selected, d = 225
((= hole "S14")(setq d 150)) ;If S4 selected, d = 150
;(t (princ "\nNothing changed.")) ;_ end of optional else condition
) ;End cond
) ;End if
(princ) ;Exit quietly
) ;End defun
(princ "\nThis loaded fine")
(setq a (strcat "CCC_DR_" (itoa d)))
(setq b )strcat "CCC_SERVICES_EXISTING_Drainage_Storm_Sewer_" (itoa d)))
(if (= (tblsearch "ltype" a) nil)
(command "-linetype" "l" a "acadiso.lin" "")
(command "._-layer" "N" b "M" b "L" ab "C" "84" b "LW" "0.3" b "" )
(command "pline" pause "width" "0.0" "0.0" pause "width" "0.0" "0.0")
(defun C:ESS02(/ dcl_id d hole userclick a b)
;; Make sure that you localise your variables!
((minusp (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "ESS.dcl")))
(princ "\n<< DCL File not Found >>"))
((not (new_dialog "ESS" dcl_id))
(princ "\n<< Dialog could not be Loaded >>"))
(setq d 1500 hole "S1")
(set_tile "1500" "1");Set radio_button T1 as default
(action_tile "1500" "(setq hole \"S1\")")
(action_tile "1350" "(setq hole \"S2\")")
(action_tile "1200" "(setq hole \"S3\")")
(action_tile "1050" "(setq hole \"S4\")")
(action_tile "900""(setq hole \"S5\")")
(action_tile "750""(setq hole \"S6\")")
(action_tile "675""(setq hole \"S7\")")
(action_tile "600""(setq hole \"S8\")")
(action_tile "525""(setq hole \"S9\")")
(action_tile "450""(setq hole \"S10\")")
(action_tile "375""(setq hole \"S11\")")
(action_tile "300""(setq hole \"S12\")")
(action_tile "225""(setq hole \"S13\")")
(action_tile "150""(setq hole \"S14\")")
(action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog)") ; Userclick will be nil anyway
(action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog)(setq userclick T))")
(start_dialog) ;start dialog
(unload_dialog dcl_id) ;unload
(if userclick ;When OK button is selected
(setq d
(cond ;And one of the following conditions apply
((= hole "S1") 1500)
((= hole "S2") 1350)
((= hole "S3") 1200)
((= hole "S4") 1050)
((= hole "S5")900)
((= hole "S6")750)
((= hole "S7")675)
((= hole "S8")600)
((= hole "S9")525)
((= hole "S10") 450)
((= hole "S11") 375)
((= hole "S12") 300)
((= hole "S13") 225)
((= hole "S14") 150)))
(setq a (strcat "CCC_DR_" (itoa d))
b (strcat "CCC_SERVICES_EXISTING_Drainage_Storm_Sewer_" (itoa d)))
(if (not (tblsearch "LTYPE" a))
(command "_.-linetype" "_l" a "acadiso.lin" ""))
(command "._-layer" "_N" b "_M" b "_L" ab "_C" "84" b "_LW" "0.3" b "" )
(command "pline" pause "width" "0.0" "0.0" pause "width" "0.0" "0.0")))))