你好我需要使用VBA获得AutoCAD中激活项目的路径。我找到了autocad API(ace\u getactiveproject)来查找路径,但我不知道如何在VBA中使用它。。
提前感谢 开发人员帮助(ActiveX和VBA参考)有一个很好的示例。在帮助文件中搜索SetProjectFilePath示例。 感谢您的输入
我还有一个问题。我在Autocad electrical中创建了一个新项目。是否可以使用VBA重设Activeproject名称?
谢谢 这是否返回正确的名称?
currProjName=此绘图。GetVariable(“项目名称”) 什么时候用这个
如果我使用“123”(我的活动项目)而不是PROJECTNAME,我会得到错误“error get system variable”
谢谢 看来我提到的例子有错误。
Sub Example_SetProjectFilePath()
' This example finds the current project file information, changes
' that information, and finally resets the information back to the
' original values.
Dim preferences As AcadPreferences
Set preferences = ThisDrawing.Application.preferences
' Get the current project file information
Dim currProjPath As String
Dim currProjName As Variant
currProjName = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("PROJECTNAME")
If currProjName <> "" Then
currProjPath = preferences.Files.GetProjectFilePath(currProjName)
End If
If currProjPath = "" Then
MsgBox "There is no current project file or path. ", , "SetProjectFilePath Example"
MsgBox "The current project file path is: " & currProjPath, , "SetProjectFilePath Example"
' Set new project file information.
' Change drive/path as necessary to match your system
Dim newProjPath As String
newProjPath = "C:/AutoCAD/"
preferences.Files.SetProjectFilePath currProjName, newProjPath
MsgBox "The new project file path is: " & newProjPath, , "GetProjectFilePath Example"
' Reset the project file information
preferences.Files.SetProjectFilePath currProjName, currProjPath
MsgBox "The project file path has been reset to: " & currProjPath, , "GetProjectFilePath Example"
End If
End Sub