(defun c:ReON()(vl load com)(if(not*Save:React*)(progn(setq*Save:React*(vlr command reactor nil(list(cons:vlr CommandWillStart'strcomm)))(princ“>”)(princ))(defun strcomm(React Args/*doc)(if(vl position(strcase(car Args))'(“3drock”));
As flower says, you won't visually see the results, as I have used the VL save method - so it won't show at the command line.
Lee That is great Lee.You will save me and I won't even know it till I go to reopen and all my work is still there. Thank you! No probs
Switch the reactor on and off using ReOn and ReOff, and you can use this if you like to give you some assurance that it has worked:
(defun c:ReON () (vl-load-com) (if (not *Save:React*) (progn (setq *Save:React* (vlr-command-reactor nil (list (cons :vlr-CommandWillStart 'StrtComm)))) (princ "\n>"))) (princ))(defun StrtComm (React Args / *doc) (if (vl-position (strcase (car Args)) '("3DORBIT"));