(defun c:atrot(/ blSet attLst errCount oldAng)
(if(not atrot:rAng)(setq atrot:rAng 0))
(setq oldAng atrot:rAng
(strcat "\nSpecify rotation angle <"(angtos atrot:rAng)">: ")))
(if(not atrot:rAng)(setq atrot:rAng oldAng))
(princ "<<< Select blocks to rotate attributes >>>")
(setq errCount 0)
(setq blSet(ssget '((0 . "INSERT")(66 . 1))))
(setq blSet(mapcar 'vlax-ename->vla-object
(vl-remove-if 'listp
(mapcar 'cadr(ssnamex blSet)))))
(foreach itm blSet
(setq attLst
(vla-GetAttributes itm))))
(foreach att attLst
'vla-put-Rotation(list att atrot:rAng)))
(setq errCount(1+ ErrCount))
); end if
); end foreach
); end foreach
); end progn
(princ ">>> Nothing selected! <<<")
); end if
(if(/= 0 errCount)
(strcat "\n>>> "
(itoa errCount)
" attributes or blocks were on locked layer! <<< "))
); end if
); end of c:atrot
编辑:哎呀,我迟到了。。。 嗨,阿斯米,我经常使用你的Lisp程序(下面),谢谢你的帮助,我很高兴!
我会在菜单中保留原来的lisp,因为它可能会在某个时候派上用场。 或者其他人。。? 试一试:
(defunc:atrot()(#ff00ff](setqtmp(getstring(“\n指定要旋转的标记:“)(或(eqtmp(setqatrot:标记tmp(35;ff00ff]“>”(setqerrCount0(('(color(0 . “插入”(661蓝色]progn(setqblSet(mapcar'vlax ename->vla对象'('cadr(ssnamexblSet(setqattLst(vlax安全阵列->列表vlax变量值(itm)(foreachattLst(和(atrot:tag(vla get TagStringatt)atrot:tag(vla get TagStringatt b]vl-catch-all-error-p(vl catch-all apply'vla put Rotationatt b]0.0(setqerrCount()/color](princ“>>>未选择任何内容!”(itoaerrCount“属性或块位于锁定层! 李:贾沃尔。。。我的意思是,是的,它工作得很好。
我的问题是我对LISP程序没有足够的想法 Lee Mac: jawohl ... I mean, yes it works very good.
Made a few macro's in the "edit" menu and I'm very happy !!
This saves me a lot of time...
My problem is that i have ideas enough but i can't write vba or lisp allthough i read and try allmost every evening..
Thank you for helping me out.
No worries.
My problem is that I don't have enough ideas for LISP programs, as I don't use CAD... I just do the coding Hi, thanks for this really great comand!!!
The angel 0 in this comand is relative to ucs world, even if my drawing uses a diffrent ucs... is it posible to change the angel to be relative to the current ucs instead?
(sorry for my bad english - i hope you understand me anyway...) Hello guys!
I have not been able to get this lisp to work and I really need it!
When I call the ATROT command, I get the propmt for the tag to be rotated. What am I suppose to type here? What "all" does? I have tryed typing the name of any of the attribute tags on the block I would like to rotate to zero but no luck. This is what I keep getting:
Command: ATROT
Specify Tag to be Rotated : S
Select objects: 1 found
Select objects:
; error: no function definition: nil
Please Help!