Looping with Vlax-Curve-GetPoi
I seem to be having a problem with splines when using vlax-curve-GetPointAtDist, as it doesn't ever return nil when it has reached the end of the spline - it will just return a constant point which lies some way off the spline.I wondered if anyone else suffered with this issue?And if they found a way to fix it?
My question is in reference to this thread:
I had to use a work-around which was far from ideal...
Lee Has no-one else ever encountered this issue? Perhaps a test to prevent this incorrect distance?
(setq MaxDist (vlax-curve-getdistatparam curve-obj (vlax-curve-getendparam curve-obj)))
( (if (
Thanks CAB, I resorted to a test similar to this in fact - but I just wondered why the function would throw up such an error, and keep the loop. - But I suppose its just the stubbornness of Splines.
I have modified a LISP posted on here ages ago by David Bethel to incorporate VLIDE colours and add the requiredtags to the code before posting Yes I have experienced the same problem but don't remember which routine I it was that needed corrective code. It would take some research to dig it up so I posted what I remembered as the fix.
That too is how I remember it but I can't find the COLOR lisp by David. I'm sure I would have saved it. What is the defun c: ? I could email the code to you if you wish? Yes, please do so.