;;CABversion 1.003/26/09
;;Get one key press from user similar to GetKword
;;keys = list of key char & return value'(("Y" "Yes")("N" "No"))
;;def = result if ENTER is pressednil or "Yes" or "No" etc
;; if nil then Enter is dissallowed
;;msg = the prompt nil = "Press a key"
;;emsg = the error message nil = "Incorrect keypress."
(defun GetKeyPress (keys def msg emsg / input result)
(or msg (setq msg "Press a key"))
(or emsg (setq emsg "Incorrect keypress."))
(princ (strcat "\n" msg))
(while (null result)
(and (= (car (setq input (grread))) 2) ; keyboard entry
(< 31 (setq input (cadr input)) 255) ; a key was pressed
((listp input)) ; not a keypress
((setq result (assoc (strcase (chr input)) keys))
(setq result (cadr result))
((and (= input 13) def)
(setq result def)
((princ (strcat "\n" emsg "\n" msg)))
(defun c:test(/ ans)
(setq ans (GetKeyPress
'(("Y" "Yes")("N" "No")); keys allowed, not case sensitive, & return value
"Yes" ; default when ENTER is pressed
"Do you need an extra leader? (Y/N) :" ; message prompt
nil ; use default error message
(princ ans)
) 啊。。。很漂亮的出租车,没想到格雷德 谢谢你,出租车!!那么,在代码中如何调用该函数呢?我现在很困惑
;-- 获取插入BOM表块所需的参数
(setq ip(getpoint“\n插入点:”)
(setq int1(getint“\n项目编号:”))
(setq st1(getstring“\n左文本:”))
(setq st2(getstring“\n右文本:”))
;-- 将图层设置为文字
(命令“_insert”“bom”ip”“”“int1 st1 st2)
(setq ldr2“Y”)
;-- 获取引导点并绘制它
(setq pt1(获取点ip“\n连接到:”)
(setq pt2(极性ip(角度ip pt1)0.1625))--这是BOM表圆上的pt
(命令“_line”pt2 pt1”)
;-- 请另一位领导(原始代码)
(setq ldr2(getkword“\N您需要额外的领导者吗?(是/否):”)
非常感谢。 试试这个:
(defun c:bom ()
(command "-osnap" "")
(command "ortho" "Off")
;;-- Get the parameter reqd to insert the BOM block
(setq ip (getpoint "\nInsertion Point: "))
(setq int1 (getint "\nItem Number: "))
(setq st1 (getstring "\nLeft Text: "))
(setq st2 (getstring "\nRight Text: "))
;;-- Set layer to TEXT
(command "-layer" "set" "TEXT" "")
;;--Insert the block with the given params
(command "_insert" "bom" ip "" "" "" int1 st1 st2)
(setq ldr2 "Y")
(while (= ldr2 "Y")
;;-- Get the leader point & draw it
(setq pt1 (getpoint ip "\nConnect to: "))
(setq pt2 (polar ip (angle ip pt1) 0.1625))
;;--This is the pt on the BOM circle
(command "_line" pt2 pt1 "")
;;-- Ask for another leader (original code)
(setq ldr2 (GetKeyPress
'(("Y" "Yes") ("N" "No")); keys allowed, not case sensitive, & return value
"Yes" ; default when ENTER is pressed
"Do you need an extra leader? (Y/N) :" ; message prompt
nil ; use default error message
(command "-layer" "T" "0" "ON" "0" "set" "0" "")
;;CABversion 1.003/26/09
;;Get one key press from user similar to GetKword
;;keys = list of key char & return value'(("Y" "Yes")("N" "No"))
;;def = result if ENTER is pressednil or "Yes" or "No" etc
;; if nil then Enter is dissallowed
;;msg = the prompt nil = "Press a key"
;;emsg = the error message nil = "Incorrect keypress."
(defun GetKeyPress (keys def msg emsg / input result)
(or msg (setq msg "Press a key"))
(or emsg (setq emsg "Incorrect keypress."))
(princ (strcat "\n" msg))
(while (null result)
(and (= (car (setq input (grread))) 2) ; keyboard entry
(< 31 (setq input (cadr input)) 255) ; a key was pressed
((listp input)) ; not a keypress
((setq result (assoc (strcase (chr input)) keys))
(setq result (cadr result))
((and (= input 13) def)
(setq result def)
((princ (strcat "\n" emsg "\n" msg)))
) 谢谢你,出租车,
我加载了代码,但每当函数要求我输入另一个前导时,我仍然无法使其运行。它会按“Y”或“N”或“enter”结束函数。我找不到我做错了什么。 试试这个火腿,
(defun c:bom(/ *error ovar vlst ip int1 st1 st2 ldr2 pt2)
(defun *error*(msg)
(if ovar
(mapcar 'setvar vlst ovar))
(princ (strcat "\nError: " (strcase msg)))
ovar (mapcar 'getvar vlst))
(mapcar 'setvar (cdr (reverse vlst)) '(1 0 0 0))
(if (not (tblsearch "LAYER" "TEXT"))
(command "-layer" "m" "TEXT" "")
(setvar "CLAYER" "TEXT"))
(if (findfile "bom.dwg")
(if (and (setq ip (getpoint "\nInsertion Point: "))
(not (initget 5))
(setq int1 (getint "\nItem Number: ")
st1(getstring "\nLeft Text: ")
st2(getstring "\nRight Text: ")))
(command "-insert" "bom" ip "" "" "" int1 st1 st2)
(setq ldr2 "Yes")
(while (and (= ldr2 "Yes")
(setq pt1 (getpoint ip "\nConnect to: ")))
(setq pt2 (polar ip (angle ip pt1) 0.1625))
(command "_line" pt2 pt1 "")
(setq ldr2 (GetKeyPress
'(("Y" "Yes") ("N" "No")) ; keys allowed, not case sensitive, & return value
"Yes" ; default when ENTER is pressed
"Do you need an extra leader? (Y/N) :" ; message prompt
nil ; use default error message
(princ "\n<!> Block Information Not Correct <!>")))
(princ "\n<!> Block Not Found <!>"))
(mapcar 'setvar vlst ovar)
;;CABversion 1.003/26/09
;;Get one key press from user similar to GetKword
;;keys = list of key char & return value'(("Y" "Yes")("N" "No"))
;;def = result if ENTER is pressednil or "Yes" or "No" etc
;; if nil then Enter is dissallowed
;;msg = the prompt nil = "Press a key"
;;emsg = the error message nil = "Incorrect keypress."
(defun GetKeyPress(keys def msg emsg / input result)
(or msg (setq msg "Press a key"))
(or emsg (setq emsg "Incorrect keypress."))
(princ (strcat "\n" msg))
(while (null result)
(and (= (car (setq input (grread))) 2) ; keyboard entry
(< 31 (setq input (cadr input)) 255) ; a key was pressed
((listp input)) ; not a keypress
((setq result (assoc (strcase (chr input)) keys))
(setq result (cadr result))
((and (= input 13) def)
(setq result def)
((princ (strcat "\n" emsg "\n" msg)))
10 哇!你是了不起的出租车!!!代码看起来有点复杂,但我已经看过了,现在我了解了很多。非常感谢。
祝你有美好的一天!!! 谢谢李,谢谢你的帮助!!!你们太棒了!!!