priyanka_mehta 发表于 2022-7-6 14:54:25

Retrive length + insertion poi

I have a code that retrieves length of a line by selection and places this length as a text. The position for placement of text is done by .getpoint. Hence I have to click the line twice, once to retreive the length and another time to get the insertion point to place the text. Please help me with this such that in one click i should have length as well as insertion point of that place for placing text
Below is the code:

Dim SOS As AcadSelectionSetDim objSS As AcadSelectionSetDim intCode(0) As IntegerDim varData(0) As VariantDim objEnt As AcadEntityDim entLine As AcadLineDim entPoly As AcadPolylineDim entLWPoly As AcadLWPolylineDim lenstring As Stringa = 1 For Each SOS In ThisDrawing.SelectionSets    If SOS.Name = "MySS" Then       ThisDrawing.SelectionSets("MySS").Delete    Exit For    End If Next intCode(0) = 0: varData(0) = "LINE,POLYLINE,LWPOLYLINE" ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add ("MySS") Set objSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets("MySS") objSS.SelectOnScreen intCode, varData If objSS.Count < 1 Then    MsgBox "No lines and polylines selected!" Exit Sub End IfDim endPoint As Variant For Each objEnt In objSS Select Case objEnt.ObjectName    Case "AcDbLine"       Set entLine = objEnt       endPoint = entLine.endPoint       lenstring = Round(entLine.Length)'MsgBox lenstring    Case "AcDb2dPolyline"       Set entPoly = objEnt       lenstring = Round(entPoly.Length)   ' MsgBox lenstring    Case "AcDbPolyline"       Set entLWPoly = objEnt   lenstring = Round(entLWPoly.Length)    ' MsgBox lenstring    End SelectNext'*******************************************************************************************'*******************************************************************************************'*******************************************************************************************Dim Point As VariantDim x As DoubleDim y As DoubleDim z As DoubleOn Error Resume Next'hide the UserFormfrmKP.Hide'ask user to select a pointPoint = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Select a point")x = Point(0): y = Point(1): z = Point(2)'redisplay the UserFormfrmAPId.Show'MsgBox x'MsgBox y'**********************************************************************************************'*******************************************************************************************'*******************************************************************************************Dim textObj As AcadMTextDim textobj1 As AcadMText   Dim textString As String   Dim insertionPoint(0 To 2) As Double   Dim height As Double   Dim textstring1 As String   ' Define the text object   textString = Round(lenstring, 2) '& vbCr & Round(txty.Value)   insertionPoint(0) = x: insertionPoint(1) = y: insertionPoint(2) = 0    height = 22    'MsgBox textStringSet textObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(textString & " m", insertionPoint, height)
Thanks and Regards,

SEANT 发表于 2022-7-6 15:49:33

Instead of using a selection set you could use the ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity method.That method will return the point used to make the entity selection.
It will only work for one entity at a time, however.

ska67can 发表于 2022-7-6 16:12:19

Where, in relation to the line, do you want to place the text?
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