在VBA中是否可以创建图形中所有直线(及其起点和终点坐标)的列表?VBA(或VB)对我来说并不新鲜,但与Autocad的结合却是。 对
Option Explicit
Sub AllLinesData()
Dim oSset As AcadSelectionSet
Dim oEnt As AcadEntity
Dim fcode(0) As Integer
Dim fData(0) As Variant
Dim dxfcode, dxfdata
Dim setName As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim s As String
fcode(0) = 0
fData(0) = "LINE"
dxfcode = fcode
dxfdata = fData
setName = "$Lines$"
'// make sure the selection set does not exist
For i = 0 To ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Count - 1
If ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item(i).Name = setName Then
'// if this named selection set is already exist then delete it
Exit For
End If
Next i
'// add new selection set with this name
Set oSset = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add(setName)
oSset.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , dxfcode, dxfdata
On Error GoTo Err_Control
'// loop through all lines
ReDim lineArr(0 To oSset.Count - 1, 0 To 6) As Variant
For n = 0 To oSset.Count - 1
Dim cEnt As AcadEntity
Set cEnt = oSset.Item(n)
Dim oLine As AcadLine
Set oLine = cEnt
Dim startp As Variant
'// get the start point
startp = oLine.StartPoint
Dim endp As Variant
'// get the end point
endp = oLine.EndPoint
'// collect line handles and points into a two-dimensional array
lineArr(n, 0) = oLine.Handle
lineArr(n, 1) = startp(0)
lineArr(n, 2) = startp(1)
lineArr(n, 3) = startp(2)
lineArr(n, 4) = endp(0)
lineArr(n, 5) = endp(1)
lineArr(n, 6) = endp(2)
Next n
'// clean up memory
'// do what you want with array 'lineArr' here, e.g. write data to the text file etc.
Open "C:\AllLines.txt" For Output As #1 'Open file for output
For n = 0 To UBound(lineArr, 1)
s = ""
For i = 0 To UBound(lineArr, 2)
s = s & CStr(lineArr(n, i)) & ","
Next i
Write #1, Left(s, Len(s) - 1) 'Write comma-delimited data (cut the last comma from string)
Next n
Close #1 'Close file
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
~'J'~ 谢谢,尝试了代码,它满足了我的需要。有了这段代码,我可以完成我的程序多一点。 不客气
~'J'~ 我添加了代码以获得LWpolyline的开始点和结束点。这适用于具有1个顶点的LWD多段线。当我绘制具有多个顶点的LW多段线时,我看到组码“90”表示顶点的数量。我如何读取组码“90”的上下文,或者是否有其他方法来确定顶点的数量? 试着读读这个稍微编辑过的版本
选项显式sub AllPlinesData()Dim oSset As AcadSelectionSet Dim oEnt As AcadEntity Dim fcode(0)As Integer Dim fData(0)As Variant Dim dxfcode,dxfdata Dim setName As String Dim i As Integer Dim n As Integer Dim s As String fcode(0)=0 fData(0)=“LWPOLYLINE”dxfcode=fcode dxfdata=fData setName=“$Plines$”//确保此图形的i=0的选择集不存在。选择集。如果此绘图,则计数-1。选择集。项目(i)。Name=setName Then'//如果此命名选择集已存在,请将其删除ThisDrawing。选择集。项目(i)。Delete Exit For End If Next i’//添加具有此名称集的新选择集oSset=ThisDrawing。选择集。添加(setName)oSset。选择acSelectionSetAll、dxfcode、dxfdata On Error GoTo Err\u Control’//循环通过所有轻多段线ReDim plineAr(0到oSset。计数-1,0到4),作为n=0到oSset的变量。Count-1 Dim cEnt作为AcadEntity Set cEnt=oSset。Item(n)Dim oPline As AcadLWPolyline Set oPline=cEnt Dim coord As Variant’//get coordinates coord=oPline。坐标'//将多段线控制柄和点收集到二维数组plineAr(n,0)=oPline中。手柄多线性(n,1)=坐标(0)' 代码仅返回多段线的开始和结束。我将部分代码更改为:
'//获取坐标坐标=oPline。坐标“//将多段线句柄和点收集到二维arrayxtemp=coord(0)”中 puffeltje,
谢谢 Oeps,我没有发布我所有的更改:哎呀:。以下是工作代码:
选项显式sub AllPlinesData()Dim oSset As AcadSelectionSet Dim oEnt As AcadEntity Dim fcode(0)As Integer Dim fData(0)As Variant Dim dxfcode,dxfdata Dim setName As String Dim i As Integer Dim n As Integer Dim s As String Dim xtemp Dim ytemp Dim j Dim PLindex fcode(0)=0 fData(0)=“LWPOLYLINE”dxfcode=fcode dxfdata=fData setName=“$Plines$”//确保此图形的i=0的选择集不存在。选择集。如果此绘图,则计数-1。选择集。项目(i)。Name=setName Then'//如果此命名选择集已存在,请将其删除ThisDrawing。选择集。项目(i)。Delete Exit For End If Next i’//添加具有此名称集的新选择集oSset=ThisDrawing。选择集。添加(setName)oSset。选择acSelectionSetAll、、dxfcode、dxfdata On Error GoTo Err\u Control’//循环通过所有轻多段线ReDim plinear(0到3,0到oSset。Count-1)作为变量PLindex=0,对于n=0到oSset。Count-1 Dim cEnt作为AcadEntity Set cEnt=oSset。Item(n)Dim oPline As AcadLWPolyline Set oPline=cEnt Dim coord As Variant’//get coordinates coord=oPline。坐标“//将多段线句柄和点收集到二维数组xtemp=coord(0)”中