bonj 发表于 2022-7-6 15:19:24

Pls..Help if possible......(Ta

I am working on a Precast Co. and we always have some problems in Tag Nos. of every individual Precast Panels in the layout dwg.(please see attach dwg.) would it be possible to have a lisp to automatically give different tag no. or names for every panels with different lenght and same tag nos. or names for the same lenght ??

ASMI 发表于 2022-7-6 15:35:42

Similar thread .
But this guy used dynamic blocks with attributes for panels.

bonj 发表于 2022-7-6 15:58:13

yup...i guess his using dynamic blocks & attributes for panels..
but would it be possible by giving a lisp command and automatically generating tag names by every different dimension lenght ?? like for instance if i have a 3 mtr., 2.5 mtr., 4.1 mtr. panel and the other is 3 mtr. again..would it be possible for a lisp command to simply give different tag names for this by the use of their dimension and similar tag names for the same dimension lenght??

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 16:07:15

Well yes it would be just an adaption of the posted LISP in the link ASMI has kindly provided.

bonj 发表于 2022-7-6 16:25:21

Ok ... thank you very much...i'll try that lisp command....
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