Afralisp tutorial #1 driving m
Hi all,I've been reading up on .LISP for a bit now and decided to take the
plunge properly and learn it.
I have followed the afralisp tutorial to draw a line to the LETTER, and
AutoCAD is saying "; error: too many arguments"
What am i doing wrong?
(defun c:testline () ;Define Function(setq a (getpoint "\nEnter First Point : ""));Get the First point(setq b (getpoint "\nEnter Second Point : ""));Get the Second Point(command "Line" A b "");Draw the Line(princ);clean running) ;end Defun(princ);clean Loading SORTED
Original Code with error's
(defun c:testline () ;Define Function(setq a (getpoint "\nEnter First Point : ""));Get the First point(setq b (getpoint "\nEnter Second Point : ""));Get the Second Point(command "Line" A b "");Draw the Line(princ);clean running) ;end Defun(princ);clean Loading
code with error Fixed.
(defun c:testline () ;Define Function(setq a (getpoint "\nEnter First Point : "));Get the First point(setq b (getpoint "\nEnter Second Point : "));Get the Second Point(command "Line" A b "");Draw the Line(princ);clean running) ;end Defun(princ);clean Loading (defun c:testline () ;Define Function (setq a (getpoint "\nEnter First Point : "));Get the First point (setq b (getpoint "\nEnter Second Point : "));Get the Second Point(command "Line" A b "");Draw the Line(princ);clean running) ;end Defun(princ);clean Loading
An extra quot marks in red lines in your code cheers paul From this error im assuming you are not using any program to play with them,
i use notpad ++ to make them. its good to see where ive got closed brackets and will run any where.
Which is similar except colours are different, but allows to debug alot easyer, as it tells you where simple mistakes are, and easyer filtering where the bigger mistakes are. and reconises comands and variables
but you need autocad open to make work. I've decided to try learn it when i get free time at work (Which at moment is alot) so as to keep me "looking busy" LOL, yep i kno what you mean.ive being working on many myself, till more work comes in,except my boss thinks its a waste of time.
hes a all tool bars man, who dosnt even do much work lol I never liked toolbars they take up to much screen space as for auto lisp have you looked at the The Visual LISP Developers Bible? pretty good stuff .a little hard to keep up for slow people like. me but it's worth it. everyone on here would agree i'm sure I've had a look at that JON before and yes, it is pretty helpful.
Never even heard of that book m8