非常感谢。 动态块是一个惊人的功能,但它们可能很复杂。本教程将教您许多可以在自己的区块中使用的技术。门将执行以下操作:
[/列表] Sorry for my bad English.
ASMI, your help has been great.
I do not need much information in a dynamic block. Only with the possibility of being able to modify the attribute using the "LIST" or similar. And the possibility of selecting a dynamic block through its attribute. Is it possible to create such a "LIST"?
Thank you Dynamic blocks are an amazing feature, but they can be complicated. Thistutorial will teach you many techniques that you can use in your own blocks. Thedoor will do the following:
Future AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks Wish List:
[*]Dynamic Block manipulation from Insert command: This would allow users toChange Visibility states at INSERT. This would also prompt for LINEAR lengthssimilar to how attributes work at insert. The command line would list allchangeable Dynamic block properties for users to manipulate at the time ofINSERT.
[*]Nested Visibility states: The Visibility state manager would open up for alot more potential if the Visibility state manager allowed multiple nestedvisibility states. A simple example is say you have a 2x4 piece of lumber block"X". And you have it changing sizes through a linear parameter. And changing toa 2x4 block "/" through a visibility state manager. But if there was a variablefor a nested Visibility state, you could manipulate the layers, linetypeswithout having to have separate states for every single type.
[*]Dynamic Block Tool Tip Help strings. It would really help users understandwhat a Dynamic block does once they select the grip or hoover over it. It wouldbring up a little help string telling them what the Dynamic block grip doessimilar help strings like the HYPERLINK tool tip does.