3rd 300’等
thx有任何帮助 您可以尝试将这两个LISP组合起来,但它不会将块与直线对齐。。。
替换点。lsp 试试这个……:-)
(defun c:balign (/ bal_blk bal_blk_ent bal_dist bal_ent bal_ent_sp bal_tot_dist)
bal_ent (entsel "\n>>>...Pick Polyline, Line or Spline...<<<")
) ;_ end_setq
(princ "\n>>>...Missed, Try again...<<<")
) ;_ end_or
(if bal_ent
(member (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car bal_ent))))
) ;_ end_member
(princ "\n>>>...Object is not a Line, Polyline, Spline...<<<"
) ;_ end_princ
) ;_ end_not
) ;_ end_or
) ;_ end_if
) ;_ end_and
) ;_ end_not
) ;_ end_while
) ;_ end_not
(setq bal_blk_ent (entsel "\n>>>...Pick Block...<<<"))
(princ "\n>>>...Missed, Try again...<<<")
) ;_ end_or
(if bal_blk_ent
(member (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car bal_blk_ent))))
) ;_ end_member
(princ "\n>>>...Object is not a Block...<<<"
) ;_ end_princ
) ;_ end_not
) ;_ end_or
) ;_ end_if
) ;_ end_and
) ;_ end_not
) ;_ end_while
) ;_ end_not
(setq bal_blk (cdr (assoc 2 (entget (car bal_blk_ent)))))
) ;_ end_and
(setq bal_ent_sp (vlax-curve-getstartpoint (car bal_ent)))
(setq bal_tot_dist '(+))
(while (setq bal_dist (getreal "\n>>>...Enter Distance...>>>: "))
(if (<= (eval (setq bal_tot_dist (append bal_tot_dist (list bal_dist))))
(car bal_ent)
(vlax-curve-getendparam (car bal_ent))
) ;_ end_vlax-curve-getdistatparam
) ;_ end_<=
(list (cons 0 "INSERT")
(cons 2 bal_blk)
(cons 10
(car bal_ent)
(eval bal_tot_dist)
) ;_ end_vlax-curve-getpointatdist
) ;_ end_cons
(cons 41 1)
(cons 42 1)
(cons 43 1)
(cons 50
(angle '(0 0)
(car bal_ent)
(car bal_ent)
(car bal_ent)
(eval bal_tot_dist)
) ;_ end_vlax-curve-getpointatdist
) ;_ end_vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint
) ;_ end_vlax-curve-getFirstDeriv
) ;_ end_angle
) ;_ end_cons
) ;_ end_list
) ;_ end_entmake
(progn (princ "\n>>>...Distance exceeds Length of Polyline...<<<\n") (exit))
) ;_ end_if
) ;_ end_while
) ;_ end_progn
) ;_ end_if
) ;_ end_defun
(prompt "\n>>>...Balign.lsp is now loaded, Type 'Balign' to run command...<<<")
(princ) 由于wizman不允许用户退出WHILE循环,因此代码可以简化为:
;;;WIZMAN 01 2008年12月;;mod by CAB(vl load com)(定义c:balign(/bal\u blk bal\u blk\u ent bal\u dist bal\u ent bal\u sp bal\u tot\u dist)(while;仅在nil时退出(not(and;仅当用户选择并为成员时才会返回T)(或(setq bal\u ent(entsel“\n>>>…拾取多段线、直线或样条曲线……缺失,重试……对象不是直线、多段线、样条曲线……拾取块……缺失,重试……对象不是块……输入距离…>>:”)(如果( 谢谢艾伦,我正在努力,但没有时间完成,因为我去阿联酋看了世界上最大的烟花,这是一项正在进行的工作,您的建议/改进很有价值:
;;;WIZMAN 01DEC08(vl load com)(defun c:balign(/bal\u blk bal\u blk\u ent bal\u dist bal\u ent bal\u ent\u sp bal\u tot\u dist*error*)(defun*error*(msg)(和bal\u ent(not(redraw(car bal\u ent)4))(和bal\u blk\u ent(not(redraw(car bal\u blk\u ent)4));\uend\u defun(setvar'errno 0)(if(and(not)(while(not)(and(or)(setq bal\u ent(entsel)“\n>>>…拾取多段线、直线或样条曲线……缺失,重试……对象不是直线、多段线、样条曲线……拾取块……缺失,重试……对象不是块……输入距离……” ": " ) ;_ end_strcat);_end_getreal);_end\u setq(如果bal\u temp(setq bal\u dist bal\u temp)(setq bal\u temp bal\u dist));\uend_if);_end\U progn(如果( 这是完美的thx很多