wannabe 发表于 2022-7-6 17:12:27

C# and Objectarx

Has anyone got an ultra-simplified method of enabling me to install objectarx with C# visual studio 200 express version
I looked at sites talking about manipulating the registry; they just dont simplify it enough.

SEANT 发表于 2022-7-6 17:33:32

Have you paid a visit to: http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?id=773204&siteID=123112
and taken advantage of the License and Download link.
That link asks you to provide some information, but in return allows the download of the ObjectARX SDK.In there you find a lot of ARX, as well as .NET, examples along with Help files and Class Maps and various other things to make programming Autocad in Managed and UnManaged code.
If you are planning on programming at the ARX level (i.e., C++) then there is a wizard for setup at \utils\ObjARXWiz\.
I’m not sure if the Express addition can utilize that, however.

wannabe 发表于 2022-7-6 17:41:44

Thanks. I downloaded the correct version, which by default will not install with the expression version of visual studio.
A website exists where they claim to have solved the solution by editing the registry; unforutnately they do not simplify this enough for me to understand.

SEANT 发表于 2022-7-6 17:54:58

I’ve been using Visual Studio 2005 Standard so have thankfully been spared the experience of some of the Express addition hurdles.
With regard to the ObjectARX wizard install, I assume you are referring to the July 05, 2006 install of Through the Interface.
If that is true, which part of the procedure causes the problem?

wannabe 发表于 2022-7-6 18:05:23

I created the registry (I think its as instructed).
Adding the string value name is what I dont understand.
I can see how to add a string in the registry but I don't have the file structure - either on my hard drive or visible in the registry that matches the one on the website (nor an equivelant for the latest visual studio, which I have).

SEANT 发表于 2022-7-6 18:18:52

In the interest of clarity, the steps shown in that link are for Visual C++ express.Is that the platform in which you are interested, or is it Visual C# Express?
If it is C#, then the steps listed on that link would not apply.As a matter of fact, I think your only option is something similar to what CmdrDuh recommended in this thread.
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