vba - MISSING: AcPreview Activ
Hey guys on my pc the AcPreview ActiveX Control Module(This is the vba library) is missing and i was just wondering if anyone know how i can replace this because now i cant run a vba sub that was given to me.Please help Cheers
Here is the code
Option ExplicitDim objDbx As AxDbDocument' Example of batch for listing all block names on all drawings in a directory.Private Sub ListBlockNames()Set objDbx = GetInterfaceObject("ObjectDBX.AxDbDocument.17")Dim inDir As StringDim elem As ObjectDim filenom As StringDim WholeFile As StringDim newHeight As DoubleinDir = "c:\program files\autocad 2008\sample"filenom = Dir$(inDir & "\*.dwg")Do While filenom"" ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt vbCrLf & "File: " & filenom ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt vbCrLf & "-----------------" WholeFile = inDir & "\" & filenom objDbx.Open WholeFile For Each elem In objDbx.Blocks If elem.IsXRef = False And Left(elem.Name, 1)"*" Then ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt vbCrLf & elem.Name End If Next Set elem = Nothing filenom = Dir$ ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt vbCrLfLoopSet objDbx = NothingEnd Sub Dont worry guys i have got my hands on the acpreview.ocx
Thanks heaps The above code i posted will list all blocks within a set of drawings without opening them - does anyone know how to improve it so it will also list the attribute values of any attributes within blocks aswell??
That would be unreal.
Also maybe to change the attribute values