guyzen2004 发表于 2022-7-6 17:57:20

I tried the lisp file to Autocad2006 and it worked but with some discrepancy. I also made a polyline with 3 segments using autocad2007 but it didn't work either.

wizman 发表于 2022-7-6 18:00:53

can you please try this...'-)

guyzen2004 发表于 2022-7-6 18:05:25

Hi Wizman,
I downloaded your latest lisp file and it worked in Autocad 2006. I tried different kinds of closed polyline and closed polylines with radius at each corners and my officemates were amazed when I showed it to them. But there is one problem, It didn't work on a closed polyline with radius at each corners using autocad 2007. The same option for editing a polyline will just pop out. Thank you very much for making our work less laborious and I hope you wont get tired to make it work on a higher version.
Attached is file using Autocad2006

wizman 发表于 2022-7-6 18:10:42

you're welcome guyzen, This is working fine here using '08 & '09. download and try this one.

guyzen2004 发表于 2022-7-6 18:15:26

It's now working in autocad 2007. I can now share it to my co workers compliments of Mr. Wizman. Thanks again and don't stop sharing your knowledge to those who are less fortunate to understand lisp programming.
P.S. Are we both born in the same island, and you're just working in a foreign land?

wizman 发表于 2022-7-6 18:18:33

yes im also from philippines, im glad its now working for your purpose.
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