;code for changing layer color
;; local defun
;; create a single list of strings interactively
(defun list_of_strings (msg1 msg2 / str_list)
(setq loop T)
(setq st (getstring T msg1)
str_list (cons st str_list))
(not (eq "" (setq st (getstring T msg2))))
(setq str_list (cons st str_list))
(if (eq st "")(setq loop nil)
(reverse str_list)
;; by gile
;; convert string to list of strings
(defun str2lst (str sep / pos)
(if (setq pos (vl-string-search sep str))
(cons (substr str 1 pos)
(str2lst (substr str (+ (strlen sep) pos 1)) sep)
(list str)
;; ========== main programm ==========;;
(defun C:texture(/ common_list curLay data_list fLst laySet sSet mLst cMat sCnt lCnt mCnt eCnt)
(setq common_list
"\nEnter first layer name and material separated by comma: "
"\nEnter the next layer name and material separated by comma (or press ENTER to stop): "))
(setq data_list (mapcar (function (lambda(x)(str2lst x ","))) common_list))
(if(setq sSet(ssget "_X" '((0 . "*POLYLINE,*SOLID"))))
(setq sCnt 0 lCnt 0)
(vlax-for mat (vla-get-Materials
(setq mLst(cons(vla-get-Name mat)mLst))
); end vlax-for
(foreach itm
(mapcar 'vlax-ename->vla-object
(vl-remove-if 'listp
(mapcar 'cadr(ssnamex sSet))))
(if(setq cMat
(setq cLay(vla-get-Layer itm))data_list)))
(if(member cMat mLst)
(vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-put-Material
(list itm cMat)))
(setq lCnt(1+ lCnt))
(setq sCnt(1+ sCnt))
); end if
(if(not(member cMat mCnt))
(setq mCnt(cons cMat mCnt))
); end if
); end if
(if(not(member cLay eCnt))
(setq eCnt(cons cLay eCnt))
); end if
);end if
); end foreach
(if(or(/= 0 lCnt)(/= 0(length mCnt))(/= 0(length eCnt)))
(princ "\n========================= ERROR LIST =========================\n")
(if(/= 0(length mCnt))
(princ "\nFollowing materials missed in drawing: \n")
(foreach mat mCnt
(princ(strcat "\n " mat))
); end foreach
(princ "\n")
); end progn
); end if
(if(/= 0(length eCnt))
(princ "\nSome solid layers missed in list: \n")
(foreach lay eCnt
(princ(strcat "\n " lay))
); end foreach
(princ "\n")
); end progn
); end if
(if(/= 0 lCnt)
(princ(strcat "\n" (itoa lCnt) " were on locked layer!\n"))
); end if
(princ "\n========================== END LIST ==========================\n")
); end progn
); end if
(princ(strcat "\n<<< Materials are appropriated for "
(itoa sCnt) " of "
(itoa(sslength sSet)) " solids >>>"))
); end progn
(princ "\n<!> No Solids Found <!> ")
); end if