Copy Number + .01
I am coming across a situation at work (which will last for a period of time) where we are creating a numerical grid. I created the proto with a default grid, and the same number copied throughout (#1.11-0.00). The thing killing me is having to edit each one, one at a time. Can be time consuming when there are a few hundred. A while back, someone helped out with a match text lisp for a different situation, which is somewhat helpfull in this situation. Also one which will copy a number, then place the second below it adding .01 .I can match one row, then only edit one digit at a time for each sequence. Still takes a long time.I was wondering if between the two, a lisp could be created to match the text then instead of replacing the text exactly, add .01 to the number. Such as if I have a row, I edit the first number, use a command, then select the first, and after, every number I select will go up .01 ( #123.11-0.00 , #123.12-0.00, #123.13-0.00, ect..). Or if it would just be easier to create a new one from scratch.
If anyone could point me in the right direction, or at least help me get started, it would be very much appretiated I have this as VBA if you want it
Public Sub TextNumber() Dim objSelected As Object Dim blnFlag As Boolean Dim intCnt As Integer Dim strValue As String Dim objTxt As AcadText Dim objSelSet As AcadSelectionSet On Error GoTo ErrControl Set objSelSet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("Text") objSelSet.SelectOnScreen intCnt = 1 For Each objSelected In objSelSet If TypeOf objSelected Is AcadText Then Set objTxt = objSelected If blnFlag = False Then 'This is the first entity selected objTxt.TextString = intCnt blnFlag = True Else objTxt.TextString = intCnt End If intCnt = intCnt + 1 Else MsgBox "Object number " & intCnt & " is not DText, you need to reselect", vbInformation, "Gap Set" ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("Text").Delete End If Next ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("Text").Delete ThisDrawing.Application.UpdateExit_Here: Exit SubErrControl: MsgBox Err.DescriptionEnd Sub This or will ok.