(如果(setq ent1(entsel“\n拾取现有电气设备……………..如果没有,'Enter'))
(setq lay1(值8(entget(car ent1)))
(if(setq ss(ssget“x”(list(cons 410(getvar“ctab”)))(cons 8 lay1)))
(progn(sssetfirst nil ss))
(命令“chprop”“P”“”“la”“D-EX-ELECT”“C”“bylayer”“LT”“bylayer”“) 我认为您需要创建所有公司层的列表,并使用FOREACH函数进行循环。
; create all company layers list
(setq layLst '("D-EX-ELECT" "Electrical2" "Electrical3" "Electrical4"))
; foreach layer in list
(foreach lay layLst
; if user has select entity for this layer and selection set has created
(setq cEnt(entsel(strcat "\nSelect entity for '" lay "' or Enter for none> ")))
(setq cLay(cdr(assoc 8(entget(car cEnt)))))
(setq cSet(ssget "x"(list(cons 410(getvar "ctab"))(cons 8 cLay))))
); and and
; higlight selection set for user can to see it
(sssetfirst nil cSet)
(initget "Yes No")
; if user press Y or hit Enter
(setq cAns(getkword
(strcat "\nDo you want to cnahge layer to '" lay "'? <Yes>: ")))
(if(/= "No" cAns)
; change properties of selection set
(command "chprop" "P" "" "la" lay "C" "bylayer" "LT" "bylayer" "")
(princ(strcat "\nLayer '" lay "' passed by user "))
); end if
); end progn
(princ(strcat "\nNothing selected for '" lay))
); end if
); end foreach
未测试。 Kewl。。谢谢我试试看! ASMI,
再次感谢! ASMI,
; create all company layers list
(setq layLst '("D-EX-ELECT" "Electrical2" "Electrical3" "Electrical4"))
; foreach layer in list
(foreach lay layLst
; if user has select entity for this layer and selection set has created
(setq cEnt(entsel(strcat "\nSelect entity for '" lay "' or Enter for none> ")))
(setq cLay(cdr(assoc 8(entget(car cEnt)))))
(setq cSet(ssget "x"(list(cons 410(getvar "ctab"))(cons 8 cLay))))
); and and
; higlight selection set for user can to see it
(sssetfirst nil cSet)
(initget "Yes No")
; if user press Y or hit Enter
(setq cAns(getkword
(strcat "\nDo you want to cnahge layer to '" lay "'? <Yes>: ")))
(if(/= "No" cAns)
; change properties of selection set
(command "chprop" "P" "" "la" lay "C" "bylayer" "LT" "bylayer" "")
(princ(strcat "\nLayer '" lay "' passed by user "))
); end if
); end progn
(= (setq cEnt(entsel(strcat "\nSelect entity for '" lay "' or Enter for none> "))) nil)
(setq cLay(cdr(assoc 8(entget(car cEnt)))))
(setq cSet(ssget "x"(list(cons 410(getvar "ctab"))(cons 8 cLay))))
); end and
; higlight selection set for user can to see it
(sssetfirst nil cSet)
(initget "Yes No")
; if user press Y or hit Enter
(setq cAns(getkword
(strcat "\nDo you want to cnahge layer to '" lay "'? <Yes>: ")))
(if(/= "No" cAns)
; change properties of selection set
(command "chprop" "P" "" "la" lay "C" "bylayer" "LT" "bylayer" "")
); end if
); end while
); end if
); end foreach 这是吗?
(defun c:测试(/layLst cEnt cLay cSet cAns);创建所有公司图层列表(setq layLst’(“D-EX-ELECT”“Electrical2”“Electrical3”“Electrical4”);列表中的foreach层(foreach lay layLst(setq cEnt nil);如果用户为该层选择了实体,并且选择集已经创建(而不是cEnt)(setq cEnt(entsel(strcat“\n选择‘lay’>’的实体))(if(和cEnt(setq cLay(cdr(assoc 8(entget(car cEnt)k))))(setq cSet(ssget“x”(list(cons 410(getvar“ctab”)))(cons 8 cLay)));and and(progn;higlight选择集,供用户查看(sssetfirst nil cSet)(initget“Yes No”);如果用户按Y键或按Enter键(setq cAns(getkword(strcat“\n您想将cnahge层转换为“lay”?[是/否]:”))(如果(/=“否”cAns);更改选择集的属性(命令“chprop”“P”“”“la”lay“C”“bylayer”“LT”“bylayer”“)(progn(princ(strcat“\nLayer”“lay”'由用户传递))(sssetfirst nil nil));结束程序);如果结束);结束progn(progn(princ(strcat)“\n>>>未为“lay”选择任何内容 另一个变体。
(defun c:测试(/layLst cEnt cLay cSet cAns);;创建所有公司图层列表(setq layLst’(“D-EX-ELECT”“Electrical2”“Electrical3”“Electrical4”);;foreach lay layLst;;如果用户已为此层选择实体,并且已创建选择集(而(cond((and(setq cEnt(entsel(strcat“\nSelect entity for‘lay’>”)))(setq cLay(cdr(assoc 8(entget(car cEnt)k)k))(setq cSet(ssget“x”(list(cons 410(getvar“ctab”)))(cons 8 cLay));;higlight选择集,用户可以看到它(sssetfirst nil cSet)(initget“Yes No”);;如果用户按Y键或按Enter键(setq cAns(getkword(strcat“\n您想将层更改为”lay“?[是/否]:”)))(如果(/=“否”cAns);更改选择集的属性(命令“chprop”“P”“la”lay“C”“bylayer”“LT”“bylayer”“)(progn(princ(strcat“\nLayer”“lay”'由用户传递))(sssetfirst nil nil)))((progn(princ(strcat“\n>>未为“lay”选择任何内容)