Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 18:00:11


Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 18:01:26


(defun flangeelevfillet ()
(command "_fillet"
(setq b1
(list a6
) ; end list
) ; end setq
(setq b2
) ; end list
) ; end setq
) ; end fillet
(command "_fillet"
(setq b3
) ; end list
) ; end setq
(setq b4
) ; end list
) ; end setq
) ; end fillet
) ; end program


Command: !b1
(<Entity name: 7e88fdf0> (331.409 328.982 0.0))

CAB 发表于 2022-7-6 18:03:30

(command "_fillet""R""2"
(setq b1 (list a6 flgotppt))
(setq b2 (list a8 flgoltppt))
) ; end fillet
(command "_.fillet""R""2"
"_.fillet" ; <---<<command must be stated again
(setq b1 (list a6 flgotppt))
(setq b2 (list a8 flgoltppt))
) ; end fillet

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 18:09:28

1) (这似乎有点无知..但我对LISP不太熟悉)为什么在(defun c:XXX(“here”)后面的括号中列出变量。。。带“/”?
2) 为什么使用“vl cmdf”而不是“command”?

CAB 发表于 2022-7-6 18:12:31


Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 18:14:50

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 18:16:08

Is there any way to assign an variable to a fillet so that it may be rotated later?
I tried using the entlast function, but to no avail.

CAB 发表于 2022-7-6 18:21:05

This works for me.

(defun c:test (/ usrosm e1 e2 p1 rad) (setq rad 2.0) (setq usrosm (getvar "osmode")) (and   (setq p1 (getpoint "\nPick a test point for fillet."))   (setq e1 (entmakex (list (cons 0 "LINE")            (cons 8 "0") ; layer            (cons 10 p1) ; start point            (cons 11 (polar p1 pi 100)) ; end point            )))    (setq e2 (entmakex (list (cons 0 "LINE")            (cons 8 "0") ; layer            (cons 10 p1) ; start point            (cons 11 (polar p1 (* pi 1.5) 100)) ; end point            )))    (setvar "osmode" 0)   (setq usrrad (getvar "osmode"))   (setvar "filletrad" rad)   (vl-cmdf "_.fillet"            (list e1 (polar p1 pi rad))            (list e2 (polar p1 (* pi 1.5) rad)))   (setq rent1 (entlast)) ; this works   (entdel rent1) ; remove the entity as a test ) (and usrrad (setvar "osmode" usrrad)) (and usrosm (setvar "osmode" usrosm)) (princ))

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 18:23:28

Thanks CAB,
Just out of interest, I have a few queries....
1) (this may seem a little ignorant.. but I'm new to LISP) Why do you list your variables in the brackets after the (defun c:XXX ("here")... with a " / " ?
2) Why do you use the "vl-cmdf" instead of "command"?
Thanks once again for your help.

Lee Mac 发表于 2022-7-6 18:28:18

CAB you are a genius...
The LISP works like a treat!
Thanks for all your help.
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