Help! Call Lisp vlax-curve-get
Hello Anybody Help.I need to get point from spline with use lisp function in autocad vba
Could somebody can help me?
Best Regard
Joe I write this function but still error on get variable form lisp
anybody help!
Function GetPointSpline(oEnt As AcadEntity, distance As Double) As VariantDim sVar As VariantDim strCom As StringDim USERR1 As Variant'sVar = ""' Call Get Point in spline distance 1.5 from begin pointWith ThisDrawing .SetVariable "USERR1", 1 .SendCommand "(vl-load-com)" & vbCr strCom = "(setvar " & Chr(34) & "USERR1" & Chr(34) &Chr(32) & "(vlax-curve-getPointAtDist(vlax-ename->vla-object(handent " & Chr(34) & oEnt.Handle & Chr(34) & " ))"& " 1.5))" & vbCr .SendCommand strCom GetPointSpline = .GetVariable("USERR1")End WithEnd Function
; error: AutoCAD variable setting rejected: "USERR1" (-5.97251 -11.4573 0.0)
How can i get variable value "USERR1" (-5.97251 -11.4573 0.0) in autocad vba? You can not save to USERRx as its a real expects a single number you can save to users1 a string, I would run the lisp as a library function just load and run then get the returned point convert to a VBA variable trying to find example. This way could have a library of the vlax curve stuff.
Almost forgot, you need to rewrite the code
; pt=(-5.97251 -11.4573 0.0)(setq ans (strcat (rtos (car pt) 2 2) " " (rtos (cadr pt) 2 2) "" (rtos (caddr pt) 2 2))) SendCommand "(vl-load-com)" & vbCr strCom = "(setvar " & Chr(34) & "USERR1" & Chr(34)&Chr(32) & "(vlax-curve-getPointAtDist (vlax-ename->vla-object(handent " & Chr(34) & oEnt.Handle& Chr(34) & " ))"& " 1.5))" & vbCr .SendCommand strCom GetPointSpline = .GetVariable("USERR1")
I just know a little bit lisp code , So How to I get value return string from .Sendcommand strCom.
Thank you.BIGAL Start by breaking down into a 2 step process
Not tested
strCom = "(setvar " & Chr(34) & "USERS1" & Chr(34) & Chr(32) & vbCr)".SendCommand strComstrcom "(setq pt (vlax-curve-getPointAtDist (vlax-ename->vla-object (handent " & Chr(34) & oEnt.Handle & Chr(34) & " ) )" & " 1.5)))" & vbCr.SendCommand strCom Please read the Code Posting Guidelines and have your Code to be included in Code Tags.
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