Sub DWG_Combine()
'On Error Resume Next
'Reads number of objects, moves them based on name, then creates layouts. Finally, explodes all for editing
Dim i, NumObj, ObjID As Integer
Dim SS1 As AcadSelectionSet
Dim MspaceObj As AcadObject
Dim p1(0 To 2), p2(0 To 2) As Double
'set p1 as origin
p1(0) = 0: p1(1) = 0: p1(2) = 0
'selection set?
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set SS1 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SS1")
End If
'Counts number of objects
NumObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.Count
'MsgBox NumObj
i = 0
'Cycles through each item in the modelspace, reads the ID number, and moves a multiple of the ID Number
For Each Item In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
Set MspaceObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.Item(i)
'MsgBox MspaceObj.EffectiveName
ObjID = Left(Right(MspaceObj.EffectiveName, 2), 1)
'MsgBox objID
p2(0) = (ObjID - 1) * 45: p2(1) = 0: p2(2) = 0
MspaceObj.Move p1, p2
i = i + 1
End Sub