devitg 发表于 2022-7-6 21:51:12

to make a DWG , from an XLS, b

I have a:
xls with columns block-name att1-tag to attn-tag could be about 15 att. and columns ,at the same row with att-values. last colummn to set order numberor empty , to insert the block. Alldata at the same row
a dwt template , modelspace empty
the block collection at Adoc
all features by user
3rd Populate the modelsapce with blocks   in a row as wide has paper space wide, and a line conecting each block with subsecuent block .
It´s kind of a unifilar circuit , no branchs
4th save as phat/project.dwg   
Hope it is clear
5th print the dwg as pdf file
6th Open   the pdf file
The user will never manipulate the dwg , it is a commercial person , noACAD skill.
Hope it is clear
Or at least I need to seexls-VBA to dwg from XLS , NOT acad-VBAto dwg.
I´m proficient in VLISP, I want to start in this new task.
Thank in advance
Its a project in my mind , not materialized neither in XLS andDWT
I just want to know if it is possible , and the firststep on XLS VBA to ACAD .
Off course the user station hold XLS,it´s ACAD VBA complements , and ACAD,
Thanks in advance.

BIGAL 发表于 2022-7-6 22:17:37

Three ways
Write a script inside excel using VBA.
Or write a csv file of the data then using the commands line by line. Get the convert a csv to a list by Lee-Mac. Will make life easier.
3rd is do a direct read from excel of the cell values get a copy of Getexel.lsp it has all the functions you need.
Lastly you can use a Lisp to plot the result.
Me 2nd method only because I have all the bits of code to patch together.
Let us know which way you want to go.

devitg 发表于 2022-7-6 22:24:58

Hi Bigal, as I state at the post
As so , ACAD , shall not be handled
Or maybe do a DOSmacro to open the acad session , and execute the script, it seem to be some a DOS command , I do not know how to do it .
I will take a look at Getexel.lsp .

BIGAL 发表于 2022-7-6 22:47:43

If you can teach them the real basics open Auocad with a preferred template, do this by using a desktop icon with the correct defualt dwt, and then get them to type in the one lisp command. The rest should happen automatically.
If you want to go down the custom desktop icon look at the properties of the acad icon "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013\acad.exe" /P > you can force a dwg to be opened. Pretty sure you can force a script to run also. Autocad can control excel so it could do the save as csv step. Just make a copy of your default icon.

devitg 发表于 2022-7-6 22:59:54

Sad to say.The operator shall nottouch Acad.I have to dig on vba from excell .
Thanks for your help.
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