AutoCAD.Net Reference files &
Is it possible to place Autodesk reference files (ACMgd.dll, AcCoremgd.dll, etc) into your customfolder in my net project folder and map it in Visual Studio (C# or so a person can move the
project to a different path without re-referencing Autodesk reference files in Visual Studio?
I use VS 2010 express editions.
Thank you,
I 'spose you could, although I'd strongly recommend AGAINST your doing so... Way too easy to lose track of which is what release/version, not to mention the exponential duplication of data as you go.
What I do, is to place all SDK root folders, for each version respectively, under C:\ObjectARX\2016\ as example... I also keep a copy in my Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. so anytime I need a to setup/restore a workstation, I can simply cull what I need.