Extract x,y,z point info
I made this little program in vba a while back to extract points and write an output file. I would like to start writing this stuff in vb express 2010, but i am not sure how to extract the x,y,z info from each point when in the .net world. I have searched the threads, but i don't see the answer.Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()UserForm1.Hide Dim sset As AcadSelectionSet Dim OpenFlag As Boolean Set sset = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SS1") sset.SelectOnScreen Dim ent As AcadObject Dim x As Double Dim y As Double Dim z As Double Dim coords As Variant EntCnt = 0 Open "c:\temp\point_xyz.csv" For Output As #1 For Each ent In sset 'Loop through the SelectionSet collection If ent.ObjectName = "AcDbPoint" Then coords = ent.Coordinates x = coords(0) y = coords(1) z = coords(2) Print #1, x, ",", y, ",", z End If Next ent Close #1 sset.Delete UserForm1.Show EndEnd Sub I just realized the express edition of vb 2010 has an Object Browser.... that should help me answer my question.