Hickoz_bro 发表于 2022-7-6 23:26:46

Thanks guys, I greatly appreciate this.
Below is the code I've written so far. If you run through for one loop of the FOR loop, it works fine (check the numeral '5' on the attached example.dwg before and after you run the code), but when you run through a second time I get a catastrophic failure at line "SET ADDITEM(0) = SSET (X1)" and I'm not sure why. If you re-run through the first loop again, you'll error immediately after "THISDRAWING.SENDCOMMAND" because the selected spline is a closed loop.

Sub JoinSplines()Dim SSet As AcadSelectionSetDim oSSetGroup As AcadGroupDim sGRName As StringDim FilterType(0) As IntegerDim FilterData(0) As VariantDim X1 As IntegerDim AddItem() As AcadEntityOn Error Resume NextIf ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("SSet") Is Nothing Then   Set SSet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SSet")Else   ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("SSet").Clear   Set SSet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets("SSet")End IfOn Error GoTo 0Err.ClearFilterType(0) = 0FilterData(0) = "Spline"SSet.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , FilterType, FilterDataReDim AddItem(0) As AcadEntityFor X1 = 1 To SSet.Count   Set oSSetGroup = ThisDrawing.Groups.Add("SG")   sGRName = oSSetGroup.Name    ''CATASTROPHIC FAILURE HERE   Set AddItem(0) = SSet(X1)      oSSetGroup.AppendItems AddItem      '''NEED TO END ANY, AND ALL EXISTING COMMANDS BEFORE PROCEEDING   On Error Resume Next   ThisDrawing.SendCommand "splinedit" + vbCr + "G" + vbCr + sGRName + vbCr + "J" + vbCr + _                           "all" + vbCr + vbCr + vbCr   If Not Err Is Nothing Then       ThisDrawing.SendCommand "!(command)" & vbCr '''NEED TO END CURRENT COMMAND HERE.       Err.Clear   End If   On Error GoTo 0      oSSetGroup.Delete   ReDim AddItem(X1) As AcadEntity   NextEnd Sub
The code sample you posted, RenderMan, works well if the loop contains only splines, but the code I've posted above works for loops containing loops, lines and arcs like the attached file (example.dwg). The code will process text loops like this almost exclusively. Once it's done joining splines, it will join any remaining polylines.
Thanks again.

SEANT 发表于 2022-7-6 23:33:27

AutoCAD 2012 can use the standard JOIN command (i.e., not through SPLINEDIT) to join both splines and non splines into one large composite (See returned sample).So, depending on what the end result needs to be, perhaps this variation on your posted code would do.

I can’t test it myself because my install of AutoCAD 2012 is 64 bit, with which VBA does not play nice.

Sub JoinSplines()   ' This example adds objects to a selection set by prompting the user   ' to select ones to add.      ' Create the selection set   Dim ssetObj As AcadSelectionSet   On Error Resume Next   ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("TEST_SSET").Delete   On Error GoTo 0   Set ssetObj = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("TEST_SSET")   Dim mode As Integer   Dim pointsArray(0 To 11) As Double   mode = acSelectionSetCrossingPolygon'I just hardcoded a rectangle size to fit.May want to use extmin and extmax   pointsArray(0) = 0#: pointsArray(1) = 0#: pointsArray(2) = 0#   pointsArray(3) = 950#: pointsArray(4) = 0#: pointsArray(5) = 0#   pointsArray(6) = 950#: pointsArray(7) = 420#: pointsArray( = 0#   pointsArray(9) = 0#: pointsArray(10) = 420#: pointsArray(11) = 0#      ssetObj.SelectByPolygon mode, pointsArray   ThisDrawing.SendCommand "JOIN" & vbCr & "Previous" & vbCr & vbCr   End Sub

Hickoz_bro 发表于 2022-7-6 23:37:54

Oh damn... that would be helpful... unfortunately we won't be rolling out 2012 here for quite some time (if at all).
Either way... I think I got it sorted...

Sub JoinSplinesOnDWG()Dim SSet As AcadSelectionSetDim oSSetGroup As AcadGroupDim sGRName As StringDim FilterType(0) As IntegerDim FilterData(0) As VariantDim X1 As IntegerDim SplCountLive As IntegerDim AddItem() As AcadEntityDim acadDoc As AcadDocumentSet acadDoc = ThisDrawingOn Error Resume NextIf ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("SSet") Is Nothing Then   Set SSet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SSet")Else   ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("SSet").Clear   Set SSet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets("SSet")End IfOn Error GoTo 0Err.ClearFilterType(0) = 0FilterData(0) = "Spline"ReDim AddItem(0) As AcadEntitySSet.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , FilterType, FilterDataSplCountLive = SSet.CountX1 = 0Do Until X1 = SplCountLive   X1 = X1 + 1   Set oSSetGroup = ThisDrawing.Groups.Add("SG")   sGRName = oSSetGroup.Name   Set AddItem(0) = SSet(X1)      oSSetGroup.AppendItems AddItem      On Error Resume Next   If AddItem(0).Closed = False Then       ThisDrawing.SendCommand "splinedit" + vbCr + "G" + vbCr + sGRName + vbCr + "J" + vbCr + _                               "all" + vbCr + vbCr + vbCr   End If   If Not Err = 0 Then       ThisDrawing.SendCommand "!(command)" & vbCr       Err.Clear   End If   On Error GoTo 0      oSSetGroup.Delete   SSet.Clear   SSet.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , FilterType, FilterData   SplCountLive = SSet.CountLoopEnd Sub
Next question... I found a good site yesterday explaining how to use multiple filters in your selection sets... But I can't find it again...
Here's what I've got...

Dim FilterType(1) As IntegerDim FilterData(1) As VariantFilterType(0) = 0FilterData(0) = "Arc"FilterType(1) = 0FilterData(1) = "Line"SSet.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , FilterType, FilterData
Unfortunately, this returns 0 items... but if I run either filter type separately, then I get plenty of objects returned...
What have I missed?

Hickoz_bro 发表于 2022-7-6 23:39:33

Found it...

SEANT 发表于 2022-7-6 23:44:23

For that particular data type items can be strung together.Does this work any different:

Dim FilterType(0) As IntegerDim FilterData(0) As VariantFilterType(0) = 0FilterData(0) = "Arc,Line"SSet.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , FilterType, FilterData

Hickoz_bro 发表于 2022-7-6 23:47:43

Oh damn... that simple... I'll have to give that a shot tomorrow at work.
I got the method mentioned on that kxcad.net website to work.. so it's all good... now when I run both bits of code, it joins all splines together, then all lines and arcs together as polylines...
Next episode, we hatch and export... then add the whole lot to the Inventor code I wrote earlier.
Thanks heaps for your help.
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