in the current program
Set myBlock = ThisDrawing.PaperSpace.InsertBlock(blockInsert, dwgName, 1, 1, 1, 0)dim handStr as stringhandStr=myBlock.HandleTextBox1.Text=handStr
Then if you need to insert new one instead
you could be able to rich at old block using
HandleToObject method (see Help)
Don't remember exactly maybe something like
Dim oldObj as AcadObject ' or AcadEntity perhapsSet oldObj=Thisdrawing.HandleToObject(Trim(TextBox1.Text))oldObj.DeleteSet oldObj=Nothing
~'J'~ I used this bit of code to auto show layout1
With ThisDrawing
.ActiveLayout = .Layouts.Item("Layout1")
End With
However im struggling with the update code. I am new to this and have exactly the same application. Can you show your complete work here, starting with creating your combobox to inserting seletion to the drawing.
i dont have the work on this computer, but i used the coding on page 1