lmorse 发表于 2022-7-6 23:08:53

AutoCad C3D - Trying to Automa

        I have 3 drawings, each with 50+ layers. The client wants me to export each individual layer as an individual SHP file, and needs me to run the export every couple of months. I can write up a script file specifying each layer etc, the catch is that I also need to export the Attribute Data from the attached data tables for each item. I cannot seem to get a hook into the Attribute Data using the MAPEXPORT command in a script, e,g:
-mapexport" "SHP" "c:\\Temp\\MyLayer1.shp" "Y" "c:\\Temp\\Street.epf" "S" "L" "All" "MYLAYER1" "*" "No" "Proceed"-mapexport" "SHP" "c:\\Temp\\MyLayer2.shp" "Y" "c:\\Temp\\Street.epf" "S" "L" "All" "MYLAYER2" "*" "No" "Proceed"       
        This will export my layers, but minus the Attribute Data from the attribute table.
        Does anyone have experience in doing this kind of export to SHP? Is it possible to script, or code so that the shapefile contains the Attribute Data?
        I tried something along the lines of:
-mapexport" "SHP" "c:\\Temp\\MyLayer2.shp" "Y" "c:\\Temp\\Street.epf" "S" "L" "All" "MYLAYER2" "*" "No" "D" "MyDataTable" "Proceed"       
        But this was just a stab in the dark, I cannot find any documentation outlining the datatable in the command line use of MAPEXPORT.
        Note: I can export the shapefile manually and select the data table and it exports as I need it to (by selecting the Data tab in the export dialogue).
        I have very limited knowledge of Lisp.
        I hope I have explained my issue well enough. Thanks for any help.
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