comcu 发表于 2022-7-6 23:49:08

CUI - don't get it!!!!!

Hi, can anyone explain cui to me?
Specifically enterprise and custom.
Issue 1
If I make the main cui the enterprise cui it seems to lock it and stop me modifying short cut menus (for example). I understand the enterprise cui is intended to stop users from editing but how do you give someone adin type rights?
Issue 2
If I transfer a shortcut menu to a custom cui, delete same shortcut menu from the main cui and then load the custom cui the short cut menu does not appear (when I right hand click in model space). I then unload the current cui's and load a back up cui (I made prior to transferring the short cut menu) the short cut menu is now available when I right click, in model space.
Am I missing something or I can only think I do not understand how the custom cui works?
Issue 3
With regard to the enterprise cui. I used command "cui unload" and removed all toolbars etc. In options I then set the path for the enterprise cui to a copy of the cui I made on the server. It immediately loaded a cui into my autocad, eg toolbars, menus appeared where before there were none. So that proves you can save the cui file anywhere and as long as you set the path in options it will find it. However when I come in next day autocad loads with nothing on it. And going to option the path says that the path does not exist. I then go to browse and pick the exact same file path as already stored and all the menus, toolbars, short cut menus load no problem. So why would this error occur, has anyone else experienced this or could this somehow be a server problem? We do run acad 2006 LT on windows 7 and I believe this is not support by autodesk, which I guess means is prone to errors. We are due to have acad 2014 LT in next few days so problem might solve itself.
I have read up on cui and thought I understand it for the most part, I can create commands, menus hot keys but never really delved into managing the cui. Previously I would just write over the main cui so never really had these issues. Now I am looking to custom my cui but load customizations onto three other users.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Cheers Colin.

Tuns 发表于 2022-7-7 00:21:38

Issue 1 should be irrelevant if you cusomize the CUI through AutoCAD.
What is an enterprise CUI? Do you mean the CUI on your personal computer? If so, make a copy of it and move it somewhere else, delete the one in the support file, then place the custom CUI in it's place. Or if you're copying your custom CUI to others, just replace their CUI with your CUI doing what I just said.

nestly 发表于 2022-7-7 00:46:50

There are a few good online classes at Autodesk University that should answer your questions.(Log in with your existing Autodesk or Autodesk Subscription credentials if you have them, otherwise create a new account for free)
I recommend starting with this one by Jeanne Aarhus,Enterprise CUI's are kinda her specialty.
Making the CUI work for You

comcu 发表于 2022-7-7 01:02:09

Thanks Nestly, just started watching the one you recommended and it looks to be spot on.
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