Tuns 发表于 2022-7-7 00:42:22

A macro for turning the grips on and off? Easy mode. Do you need one or were you just stating that it could be done? Steven beat me to it but yeah what he has.

neophoible 发表于 2022-7-7 00:47:00

I didn't quite finish the statement, did I?I was suggesting it for those who only have LT but would like to toggle the block grips.I personally prefer the AutoLISP version, as I can use it with just the keyboard, no messing around with buttons, etc. If you don't need the "G" shortcut for GROUP, then you can use it for such a purpose as this.Mind you, this is the first time I have ever noticed the need to turn off the block grips at all, so I have no idea how useful this is to anyone else.

Dana W 发表于 2022-7-7 00:51:59

Heck, I didn't know that would happen either. It was mearely an educated guess that MAYBE it could happen. 
I have never found the need to have grips within blocks turned on, which is why the block worked as intended the first time for me.Apparently the click goes right through the stretch arrow to the grip right underneath it.
I am guessing that in the future, you could place your action arrow somewhere away from where a grip might be so you could leave grips on in the blocks.

steven-g 发表于 2022-7-7 00:56:59

The only draw back in LT is having to assign it to a double key combination "Ctrl+g" for example, and I have to admit I didn't know about the variable, so the macro will stay as it looks like it has possibilities.
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查看完整版本: Dynamic Block Behavior--Stretc