Script Issues: Not performing
I have searched around for a similar problem, but did not seem to findit. If anyone can point me to where this has been discussed, this threadcan be closed.Anyways, I am about to pull my hair out. I haveused a program called Script Maker v. 1.0.4 to create simple batchscripts to update attributes in my title blocks that exist in multipledrawings.
This is the essence of the command:
Whenthose commands are generated on with a script containing the desiredfiles, for some reason the script malfunctions around the 7th drawing.
Today, I downloaded a demo of Hurricane for AutoCAD, which is a more user friendly program that does just about the same thing.
This is the script it generates:
Again, it works first few drawings (in this case the first three drawings), but malfunctions on the fourth drawing.
Thisis very frustrating because I had no problems with this on my previouscomputer. Now, on a new faster computer, I having these problems. I ameven having them on the exact same drawing files that had no issues onthe previous computer.
I have attached the text as it is executed in both versions.
Script2.txt Is it your feeling that the script is running too fast?Can a "pause" be built into a script? I have tried entering a 3 second delay after each set of related commands, it didn't seem to fix the issue. As a matter of fact, it just push off the problem to drawings later on in the sequence. It is so bizarre. What version of AutoCAD were you running previously? The previous version was 2013. I am just using it on a new computer. But this script was also successful on 2009 and 2011. Makes one wonder why then a new computer would have any influence over a script file.Weird.
You got me puzzled. I am thinking about just trying to reinstall AutoCAD, but that is such a pain. It might be "crashing" if the drawing does not have the attribute in the drawing. Have you looked to see if the offending drawings do have it? Yeah, they all have the attribute. I confirmed this by going in manually and performing the commands and it worked fine.
Iam trying it now with Autodesk Script pro, and I am having better luckbecause it uses a timeout feature when a drawing is not responding. Fromthe 16 drawings in this set, #7 through #10 do not update. Oddlyenough, script pro shows a status of "failed" for the successfulupdates, and a status of "done" for the unsuccessful updates. Therefore,I think I have been able to narrow the problem down to this hookup:
I am certain that there is a block located at 0,0. Because when I going in manually and perform GATTE, and enter 0,0, it shows me all the attributes available for modification. It sounds like you are making some progress at least.I hope it gets better.