Making custom linetypes (help)
Hello,I am a structural drafter and have being given so electrical work to do whilst more work comes through.
I was hoping somone could answer my question. Can I create a linetype that inlcuding text?? I have tried Express tools> Make Linetype but when I go to select objects it only selects the line and not the text.
There must be a way as there are linetypes with text
Cheers Do You want ----E----- ? search here lots of eaxmples of different types I have done a search but didn't find anything. Tried multiple key words, hence why I opened a new thread
but yeh that is what i mean Please check the solutions from this thread.
Mircea Mircea,
thanks for that... the searches I did did not yield that thread. Try WORKING WITH LINETYPES. There are several options for creating your own linetypes a couple of which have already been mentioned here but I'll add this link for your consideration.