[HELP] Custom individual Butto
Hello CAD Friends,i need help im new here, i wanted to add custom buttons for example the _SectionPlane with my own properties. Is this possible to add my custom buttons into my work area. I know i can add the custom button into the tool Palettes but i could´nt add it to my work area. Thanks for any help.
Best Regards Yes, you can make custom buttons for both the Ribbon and Toolbars through the CUI.
You should be able to find many tutorials by searching, here's one http://www.thecadmasters.com/wordpress/index.php/2011/03/31/autocad-cui-custom-commands/ o:)This is not what i mean these are standard buttons. The answer is still YES... it doesn't matter if the buttons are existing buttons, or they're new buttons to do custom tasks.Either way, inside the CUI editor, you drag the button from the command list to the toolbar or Ribbon panel where you want it to appear. Look in your Customization Guide.It will tell you how to design a custom button.You can also get similar information by reading through some of the previous topics regarding button customization written by Michael Beall in his monthly column called Michael's Corner.There should be a link at the top of this page. AutoCAD 2010 User Documentation: Customization Guide