Atmoz 发表于 2022-7-7 00:18:20

Check from which directory a *

Dear all,
To automatically switch profiles at startup I want to create a script that "looks" from which directory a *.DWG drawing is opened from. This detection script runs directly when AutoCAD starts up.
If the user opens a drawing from c:\tek\ then "profile_one" has to be selected, and if the user opens a drawing from every other directory then "profile_two" must be selected.
Please can you help me to "detect" from which directory a drawing is opened.
Thanks in advance!!
With kind regards,
(from the Netherlands, so excuses my English)

BIGAL 发表于 2022-7-7 00:49:14

(setq answer (getvar "dwgprefix"))
plus a "startup" lsp to change profile

Atmoz 发表于 2022-7-7 01:03:20

Thanks for the reply!
In the meanwhile I've had it working with VBA...
if Mid$(GeopendDocument, 1, 7) = "C:\tek\" then... else... end if

With kind regards,

BlackBox 发表于 2022-7-7 01:38:20

(defun c:FOO (/ *profs* pNames profNameList myProfName) (vl-load-com)(if (and      (setq *profs* (vla-get-profiles                      (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))))      (vla-getallprofilenames *profs* 'pNames)      (setq profNameList (vlax-safearray->list pNames))      (vl-string-search "C:\\TEK\\" (strcase (getvar 'dwgprefix))))    (setq myProfName "PROFILE_ONE")    (setq myProfName "PROFILE_TWO")) (if (vl-position myProfName profNameList)   (progn   (vla-put-activeprofile *profs* myProfName)   (prompt (strcat "\n>>Profile \"" myProfName "\" Has Been made Active! ")))   (prompt (strcat "\n    Profile \"" myProfName "\" Cannot Be Found   "))) (princ))
Hope this helps!
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