RickyS 发表于 2022-7-7 00:18:53

What's your favorite macr

Hey Guys
I was just wandering what you favorite, or most used macro is?
Here's mine:
^C^C-PURGE B;;n;_zoom _e^C^C_zoom _s 0.98x ^C^C_qsave _close
This one purges all unreferenced blocks, zooms extents, then zooms out just a tad bit more, saves and closes.It's a real time saver and since i use it to close every new drawing I create it's my most used as well.
PS 1st time post:sweat:

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 01:10:25

Welcome to the CADTutor forum RickyS.
What field do you work in or are you a student?

RickyS 发表于 2022-7-7 01:30:23

I work for a company that manufactures grandstands & bleachers.
We create Architectural drawings, structural drawings, fabrication drawings and details...even assembly instructions.
We work primarily with aluminum and steel, but we also have some plastic molded products.
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