kdubbie 发表于 2022-7-7 13:00:38

Floor plan in Illustrator, tex

Hello, I want to thank anyone in advanced for any help they can offer.I've tried looking some of these up, but I just couldn't find an answer.
I create show programs for Trade Shows, which usually includes a floor plan of where it's being held, with all the booth names, booth #s, etc.
I receive a floor plan from someone as an AutoCad file and I need to bring it into Illustrator so that I can change the entire look of it.Bascially make it more "cartoony" (for a lack of better words) white booths with black strokes, a condensed font for the booth #s and extra condensed font for the booth names.
What I am finding VERY frustrating is when I bring the .dwg file into Illustrator, each booth name that takes up two lines, gets chopped up, so, say for example: in AutoCad
is all in one text box, but when I bring it into Illustrator, JOE SHMOE is one text box and Enterprises is in another.
Am I importing it wrong?Why do my text boxes keep getting chopped up?Does anyone know how to prevent this?
Of course, I would very much prefer to format every booth name at one time in AutoCad, does anyone know how I can select all Mtext on one layer, so that I may format everything at once?
Do I have to change the color of the layer to change the color of the text?
How do I change the Units from FEET/INCHES to points like in normal programs...
Does MText/polymorph lines make a difference for commercial CMYK printing? If it does, how can I convert it to Mtext to text and polymorph lines to normal lines?
Sorry for the long post and again, very much appreciate any assistance,

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 13:09:30

Hi, @f700es!
I have the same problem as @kdubbie.
But I didn`t understand your answer, @f700es. What is the "dtext"?
Text in my AutoCAD drawing is created with the "mtext", but when I open it in Adobe Illustrator CS3 it becomes sigle-lined.
How can I keep it to be multi-lined?
Thank you in advance!

kdubbie 发表于 2022-7-7 13:24:02

how to convert dtext back to mtext in illustrator?

skipsophrenic 发表于 2022-7-7 13:28:39

Does anyone knows if this problem shows up also in Adobe Illustrator CS4 or CS5?

f700es 发表于 2022-7-7 13:43:05

I found script for Adobe Illustrator called "join text frames" http://vectips.com/tricks/10-free-and-extremely-useful-illustrator-scripts/
It binds broken text frames perfectly. But it means that I have to jump from one group of text to another and repeat this action as many times as many groups of text I have.
And sometimes it lasts to long. So I would rather to open mtext proper in Illustrator.
I wonder if this problem disappears with newer versions of Illustrator!

tajanat 发表于 2022-7-7 13:52:02

with dxf is the same as with dwg

tajanat 发表于 2022-7-7 13:56:10

Having the same problem a decade later, has anyone actually figured this out? The text is created using MTEXT, but when imported into Illustrator, the object becomes a group of single line type instead of a multiline type. Nothing in Autocad to Illustrator preserves a multiline text object?

tajanat 发表于 2022-7-7 14:08:21

Are you using a truetype font in ACAD?
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