Function Keys Toggle/Hold
I have gotten a new version of ACAD Arch v2018. All works fine but no luck with function keys to force them to behave as I'm used to. I always held the F3 key to turn osnap on. Now I can't make it to work. All I can do is toggle on and off by pressing and releasing the key. Trying to hold the key while in command only gives me continuous on and off state. If I remember there was a way to change this behaviour, yet don't remember how. This may be a silly question but do you have your Osnaps set up? I mean, do you have Endpoint, Midpoint, etc. set up in the "Drafting Settings" dialog? I just disabled all my Osnaps and tried holding down F3 but it didn't do anything. So make sure you have some Osnaps set and then try holding down F3. I have individual osnaps on in ds. There is something to be done before it can work, perhaps a variable, I don't remember. I tried googling around but no joy. When I hold F3 while in command all it does is filling command line with ... string of text. No idea but maybe "Priority for Coordinate data entry" in Config Try System Variable OSMODE or in Object Snap Settings uncheck Object Snap On (F3). You're describing a Temporary Override, while in a command prompting for a point while hovering over what you're trying to snap to hold down shift+A or Shift+' and pick. Of course if Osnaps were already enabled this will toggle them off. No, it was not the question. I have managed to make it to work however, somewhat accidentally. I assigned F3 to snap toggle in cui/temporary override shortcuts (it was unassigned). F3 toggle must have been assigned from somewhere else while F3 override, it seems needs to be assigned in cui (in case it is not.) I can't read macro scripts so I won't go into it. Strangely enough, all available F keys now have temporary behaviour, even though I haven't done anything else.