Convert .cad file to .dwg
I have a .cad file that I cannot open in autocad. Is there anyone here who can convert it to .dwg for me. I would greatly appreciate it. What program was used to create the .cad file?Was it AutoSketch?I am not sure what program was used.
My email is Either QuickCAD or AutoSketch probably. You'd think AutoDesk would make an all-in-one conversion tool for AutoCAD. Yeah, I'm thinking it is AutoSketch as well but I just checked and I read that it used the SKD and SKF file formats initially but at some point also supported DWG and DWF.Not too sure how accurate the information is however.
Could it have been BobCAD (CAD-CAM program)? I checked as to what file formats BobCAD supports and .CAD is one of them (file must be imported).So, if one could download and install a trial version of BobCAD it might be possible to import the drawing then save it to a DXF file format which can then be opened in AutoCAD.
Free demo version available here...