Need quick help.. HELP HELP H
This may be a simple fix, but I'm stuck.When I went to open an Autocad 2006 drawing this morning, an Autocad box came up on the bottom of my screen and the drawing did not open.When I hover my cursor over the Autocad box at the bottom of the screen, the drawing opens just above the box, but it is like 1"x2" in size. The drawing is all there, but small.I can't figure out how to get the drawing to open full screen.It may be a click of a button, but I'm not sure which button.Please help ASAP as I need to work on my drawings.This is the first time this has ever happened.I restarted my computer twice but still does the same thing.HELP !! It sounds as though you minimized AutoCAD at some point which is just like minimizing any other Windows program.Did you try stretching the box using your mouse? No, it won't stretch at all.. attach screen image I use a 2nd monitor on occasion, but I typically have it turned off.So for what ever reason, the drawing went to the 2nd monitor which I had turned off.I turned on the 2nd monitor and there is my drawing full size.What a dummy I am...
I just never use that 2nd monitor that much and for whatever reason, the drawing went to the second monitor.. So I just dragged the drawing back to my main monitor.Problem solved after 2 hours wasted..Oh well.
Thanks guys for you time.. Thank you for posting the resolution to your issue.