EngineerSupport 发表于 2022-7-7 13:19:25

"Snap to Intersection" option

I am a network administrator, I don't use the software.W7Pro x64, 8GB RAM, Optisys/AutoCAD 2013 working in telecomm infrastructure design.
I have a user who can no longer "snap to intersection" as he describes it, this makes it difficult for him to keep lines straight.I've looked through the settings that I see, he's looked through what he thinks is the available options, but we can't seem to get this setting back for him.
No new software other than .NET security updates and windows updates.
Can anyone think of some obscure setting where this could be enabled/disabled?
The user (who is fairly savvy, has used this software for a couple years) has:
-Right-click > Option > Select Snap Type
-Options (from bottom of screen) > Snaps tab
Any input would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance.

rkent 发表于 2022-7-7 13:56:30

Usually this means that one of the two lines being snapped to is on a different Z elevation.Try APPINT instead and if it works and INT doesn't then you have different elevations for those objects.
APPINT= APParent INTersection

BIGAL 发表于 2022-7-7 14:14:04

OsnapZ set to 0 should fix it, also use OSNAP to set a combination that the user likes end,mid,cen,int etc easier than picking individual snaps 1 at a time.
As a test "Fillet" pick the two lines "Lines non co planar" means they have different Z's and will not join. Osnap z should fix.
You can "FLATTEN" lines also big hint there.
If you know the combo of snaps you want you may have a couple that you use all the time you can directly change the osnaps without picking and turning off by using osmode directly
Try these type on command line then type osnap to see whats on, if you set your own just type osmode and the number will appear that matches your osnap settings.
osmode 175
osmode 47
Lastly you can have a menu option or a toolbar with your favourite settings Note LT.

rkent 发表于 2022-7-7 14:26:35

I think it would be OSNAPZ to 1 to keep the lines at the current elevation when snapping.
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