bienda 发表于 2022-7-7 13:21:57

What object is this?

what's it.dwg
Dear Gurus
I have this object in my cad file, but i don't know what is this.
how to make it and break it?
help me pleaseeeee!

BIGAL 发表于 2022-7-7 13:42:21

Wait a minute. You just told us it was YOUR drawing.Are you now implying that you did not create it?
According to your profile you've been using AutoCAD for the past three years yet you never heard of the GROUP command?There are at least eight groups in your drawing. They didn't just sneak in there all by themselves.Someone had to create them.
Another question.Why did you explode the hatching for 3W2?

Dadgad 发表于 2022-7-7 14:21:20

i didn't create this cad file so i don't know it
i never use group command before and its lol

BIGAL 发表于 2022-7-7 14:32:31

I guess you misunderstood my question when I asked you what the "source" of the drawing was?When someone puts that question to you they are asking who created the drawing originally as we all know that drawings are frequently shared between workers in the same company and between workers of different companies.You responded twice in a row that it was your file so I naturally assumed you were the originator.
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